Edit File: admin.js
(function ($) { "use strict"; $(function () { // ADS if ( $('#wpp_donate').is(':visible') ) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "http://cabrerahector.com/ads/get.php", timeout: 5000, dataType: "jsonp", success: function(results){ if ( !$.isEmptyObject(results) ) { $("#wpp_advertisement").html( results.ad ); setTimeout(function(){ // Ad blocker detected :( if ( "none" == $("#wpp_advertisement img").css('display') ) { $("#wpp_advertisement").html('<h3 style="margin-top:0; font-size: 1.7em; text-align:center; line-height: 1em;">An <em>awesome</em> ad would be here...</h3><p style="font-size:1.1em; text-align:center;">... <em>if you weren\'t using an <strong>ad blocker</strong></em> :(</p><p style="font-size:0.8em; line-height: 1.4em;">Showing ads help us developers offer our services for free to everyone, so please consider disabling your ad blocker for this page.</p><p style="font-size:0.8em; line-height: 1.4em;">It won\'t be an annoying one, I promise :)</p>').show(); } $("#wpp_advertisement").show(); }, 250); } }, error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ if ( window.console && window.console.log ) window.console.log( 'Could not retrieve the ad: ' + textStatus ); } }); } // STATISTICS TABS $("#wpp-stats-tabs a").click(function(e){ var activeTab = $(this).attr("rel"); $(this).removeClass("button-secondary").addClass("button-primary").siblings().removeClass("button-primary").addClass("button-secondary"); $(".wpp-stats:visible").hide("fast", function(){ $("#"+activeTab).slideDown("fast"); }); e.preventDefault(); }); $(".wpp-stats").each(function(){ if ($("li", this).length == 1) { $("li", this).addClass("wpp-stats-last-item"); } else { $("li:last", this).addClass("wpp-stats-last-item"); } }); // TOOLS // thumb source selection $("#thumb_source").change(function() { if ($(this).val() == "custom_field") { $("#lbl_field, #thumb_field, #row_custom_field, #row_custom_field_resize").show(); } else { $("#lbl_field, #thumb_field, #row_custom_field, #row_custom_field_resize").hide(); } }); // file upload $('#upload_thumb_button').click(function(e) { tb_show('Upload a thumbnail', 'media-upload.php?referer=wpp_admin&type=image&TB_iframe=true&post_id=0', false); e.preventDefault(); }); window.send_to_editor = function(html) { var regex = /<img[^>]+src="(http:\/\/[^">]+)"/g; var result = regex.exec(html); if ( null != result ) { $('#upload_thumb_src').val(result[1]); var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { $("#thumb-review").html( this ).parent().fadeIn(); } img.src = result[1]; } tb_remove(); }; // log limit $("#log_limit").change(function(){ var me = $(this); if (me.val() == 1) { me.parent().children("label, .description").show(); me.parent().children("br").hide(); } else { me.parent().children("label, .description").hide(); me.parent().children("br").show(); } }); // cache interval $("#cache").change(function() { if ($(this).val() == 1) { $("#cache_refresh_interval").show(); } else { $("#cache_refresh_interval, #cache_too_long").hide(); } }); // interval $("#cache_interval_time").change(function() { var value = parseInt( $("#cache_interval_value").val() ); var time = $(this).val(); if ( time == "hour" && value > 72 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "day" && value > 3 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "week" && value > 1 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "month" && value >= 1 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "year" && value >= 1 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else { $("#cache_too_long").hide(); } }); $("#cache_interval_value").change(function() { var value = parseInt( $(this).val() ); var time = $("#cache_interval_time").val(); if ( time == "hour" && value > 72 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "day" && value > 3 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "week" && value > 1 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "month" && value >= 1 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else if ( time == "year" && value >= 1 ) { $("#cache_too_long").show(); } else { $("#cache_too_long").hide(); } }); }); }(jQuery));