Edit File: buttons.php
<?php /** * Buttons selection page * **/ class wpsr_admin_buttons{ function __construct(){ WPSR_Admin::add_tab( 'buttons', array( 'name' => 'Share buttons', 'banner' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/banners/share-buttons.png', 'page_callback' => array( $this, 'page' ), 'form' => array( 'id' => 'button_settings', 'name' => 'button_settings', 'callback' => array( $this, 'form_fields' ), 'validation' => array( $this, 'validation' ), ) )); } function section_addons_list(){ $feature = array( 'name' => 'buttons', 'hide_services' => array() ); WPSR_Admin::youtube_help_icon( 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As7_mg_0Gms' ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Create buttons', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Select a service from the list to create a new button', 'wpsr' ), '1' ); WPSR_Admin::buttons_selector( $feature ); echo '<p>' . __( 'List of buttons created.', 'wpsr' ) . '</p>'; $buttons = WPSR_Buttons::list_all(); WPSR_Admin::buttons_list( 'all_buttons', $feature ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); } function section_templates( $values, $i ){ if( !isset( $values[ 'tmpl' ][ $i ] ) ){ $values[ 'tmpl' ][ $i ] = WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'buttons' ); }else{ $values[ 'tmpl' ][ $i ] = wp_parse_args( $values[ 'tmpl' ][ $i ], WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'buttons' ) ); } echo '<div class="template_wrap" data-id="' . $i . '">'; WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Drag & drop buttons into template', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Drag the buttons from the above list and drop it into the template below. Click "+" to add a new row. Click and drag row to rearrange its order.', 'wpsr' ), '2' ); WPSR_Admin::buttons_veditor( "tmpl[$i][content]", $values['tmpl'][$i]['content'], true, 'wpsr_preview_template_buttons' ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); // Location rules WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Conditions to display the template', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Choose the below options to select the pages which will display the template.', 'wpsr' ), '3' ); WPSR_Location_Rules::display_rules( "tmpl[$i][loc_rules]", $values['tmpl'][$i]['loc_rules'] ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); $positions = array( 'above_posts' => __( 'Above posts', 'wpsr' ), 'below_posts' => __( 'Below posts', 'wpsr' ), 'above_below_posts' => __( 'Both above and below posts', 'wpsr' ) ); // Position rules WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Position of template in the page', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Choose the below options to select the position the template in a page.', 'wpsr' ), '4' ); echo WPSR_Admin::field( 'radio', array( 'name' => 'tmpl[' . $i . '][position]', 'list' => $positions, 'value' => $values[ 'tmpl' ][ $i ][ 'position' ], 'default' => 'above_below_post', )); echo '<hr/><p>' . __( 'Select whether to show this template in excerpts', 'wpsr' ) . '</p>'; echo WPSR_Admin::field( 'radio', array( 'name' => 'tmpl[' . $i . '][in_excerpt]', 'list' => array( 'show' => __( 'Show in excerpt', 'wpsr' ), 'hide' => __( 'Hide in excerpt', 'wpsr' ) ), 'value' => $values[ 'tmpl' ][ $i ][ 'in_excerpt' ], 'default' => 'hide', )); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); echo '</div>'; // template_wrap } function form_fields( $values ){ $values = wp_parse_args( $values, array( 'tmpl' => array() )); $this->section_addons_list(); $template_count = 3; echo '<ul class="template_tab clearfix">'; for( $i = 1; $i <= $template_count; $i++ ){ echo '<li>Template ' . $i . '</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; for( $i=1; $i<=$template_count; $i++ ){ $this->section_templates( $values, $i ); } } function page(){ // Add settings form WPSR_Admin::settings_form( 'buttons' ); } function validation( $input ){ return $input; } } new wpsr_admin_buttons(); ?>