Edit File: buttons.php
<?php /** * Contains core functions for the working of the buttons * */ class WPSR_Buttons{ public static function init(){ // Register all services ajax action add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpsr_service', array( __CLASS__, 'service_action' ) ); // Register filter to get the button for given ID add_action( 'wpsr_print_button', array( __CLASS__, 'print_button' ), 10, 2 ); // Add the common shortcode for the service add_shortcode( 'wpsr_button', array( __CLASS__, 'add_shortcode' ) ); // Return empty value for v2.x shortcodes self::old_shortcodes(); } public static function service_action(){ $get = self::clean_get(); $services = WPSR_Services::list_all(); $service_id = $get[ 'service_id' ]; $buttons = WPSR_Buttons::list_all(); $do = $get[ 'do' ]; if( !array_key_exists( $service_id, $services ) ) die( 'Invalid WP Socializer service !' ); switch( $do ){ // Create a new button case 'new': // Generate a new button id $button_id = self::generate_button_id( $service_id ); $buttons[ $button_id ] = array( 'service' => $service_id, 'feature' => $get[ 'feature' ], 'settings' => array() ); update_option( 'wpsr_buttons', $buttons ); // Create compiled array of details $temp = $buttons[ $button_id ]; $temp[ 'id' ] = $button_id; $temp[ 'settings_size' ] = $button_id; $html = ''; $service = $services[ $service_id ]; $html .= '<li data-service="' . esc_attr( $service_id ) . '" data-id="' . esc_attr( $button_id ) . '" class="ui_btn">'; $html .= '<span class="btn_icon"><img src="' . esc_attr( $service['icons'] ) . '" /></span>'; $html .= '<span class="btn_name">' . $service['name'] . '</span>'; $html .= '<span class="btn_action btn_delete dashicons dashicons-no-alt" title="' . __( 'Delete button', 'wpsr' ) . '"></span>'; $html .= '<span class="btn_action btn_edit dashicons dashicons-admin-generic" title="' . __( 'Settings', 'wpsr') . '"></span>'; $html .= '</li>'; $temp[ 'html' ] = $html; header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode( $temp ); break; // Edit existing button case 'edit': // Get the button ID from request $button_id = $get[ 'button_id' ]; // Update Section if( $_POST && check_admin_referer( 'wpsr_nonce_service_submit' ) ){ $post = self::clean_post(); $buttons[ $button_id ] = array( 'service' => $service_id, 'feature' => $post[ 'feature' ], 'settings' => apply_filters( 'wpsr_service_validation_' . $service_id, $post[ 'o' ] ) ); update_option( 'wpsr_buttons', $buttons ); } // View Section if( !empty( $button_id ) && array_key_exists( $button_id, $buttons ) ){ $button = array( 'id' => $button_id, 'values' => $buttons[ $button_id ][ 'settings' ], 'feature' => $buttons[ $button_id ][ 'feature' ] ); }else{ die( 'Invalid button ID !'); } // Display the service settings HTML self::settings_html( $service_id, $button ); break; // Delete button case 'delete': // Get the button ID from request $button_id = $get[ 'button_id' ]; if( !empty( $button_id ) && array_key_exists( $button_id, $buttons ) ){ unset( $buttons [ $button_id ] ); update_option( 'wpsr_buttons', $buttons ); // Print the success character echo '1'; }else{ die( 'Invalid button ID !'); } break; } die(0); } public static function settings_html( $service_id, $button ){ if( empty( $button[ 'id' ] ) ){ $save_button = __( 'Create button', 'wpsr' ); }else{ $save_button = __( 'Save button settings', 'wpsr' ); } $form_action = get_admin_url() . "admin-ajax.php?action=wpsr_service&do=edit&service_id=$service_id&button_id=$button[id]&feature=$button[feature]"; // Inject feature to view $button[ 'values' ][ '_feature' ] = $button[ 'feature' ]; // Start HTML output for settings echo '<form method="post" action="' . $form_action . '" class="btn_settings_form">'; // The title for every button echo '<input type="text" placeholder="' . __( 'Name the button for identification', 'wpsr' ) . '" title="' . __( 'Click to edit title', 'wpsr' ) . '" name="o[title]" class="tt_name" value="' . ( isset ( $button[ 'values' ][ 'title' ] ) ? esc_attr( $button[ 'values' ][ 'title' ] ) : '' ). '" />'; WPSR_Services::settings( $service_id, $button[ 'values' ] ); echo '<input type="hidden" name="button_id" value="' . $button[ 'id' ] . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="feature" value="' . $button[ 'feature' ] . '" />'; echo '<div class="btn_settings_footer"> <input class="btn_shortcode" title="' . __( 'Copy shortcode', 'wpsr' ) . '" type="text" value=\'[wpsr_button id="' . $button[ 'id' ] . '"]\' /> <span class="btn_settings_status">' . __( 'Button settings saved !', 'wpsr' ) . '</span> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $save_button .'" class="button button-primary btn_settings_save" /> </div>'; wp_nonce_field( 'wpsr_nonce_service_submit' ); echo '</form>'; } public static function get_button( $id = '', $page_info = array() ){ if( empty( $id ) ) return ''; $services = WPSR_Services::list_all(); $buttons = WPSR_Buttons::list_all(); if( !array_key_exists( $id, $buttons ) ){ return ''; } $button = $buttons[ $id ]; $service_id = $button[ 'service' ]; $service = $services[ $service_id ]; // Inject feature name for processing $button[ 'settings' ][ '_feature' ] = $button[ 'feature' ]; // Get the page info $page_info = empty( $page_info ) ? WPSR_Metadata::metadata() : $page_info; // Call the service output function $out = WPSR_Services::output( $service_id, $button[ 'settings' ], $page_info ); // Apply filters on the output includes and html $out = apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_service_output', $out ); // Add to active services list WPSR_Services::add_active_service( $service_id ); // Add to includes as active WPSR_Includes::add_active_includes( $out[ 'includes' ] ); return $out[ 'html' ]; } public static function print_button( $id, $page_info = array() ){ echo self::get_button( $id, $page_info ); } public static function add_shortcode( $atts ){ $att = shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => '' ), $atts ); if ( empty( $att[ 'id' ] ) ){ return ''; } return self::get_button( $att[ 'id' ], '' ); } public static function list_all(){ return get_option( 'wpsr_buttons', array() ); } public static function generate_button_id( $service_id ){ $digits = 4; $randId = rand( pow( 10, $digits-1 ), pow( 10, $digits ) - 1 ); return $randId; } public static function clean_get(){ foreach( $_GET as $k=>$v ){ $_GET[$k] = sanitize_text_field( $v ); } return $_GET; } public static function clean_post(){ return stripslashes_deep( $_POST ); } public static function old_shortcodes(){ // Returning empty for the old v2.x shortcodes add_shortcode( 'wpsr_socialbts', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_addthis', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_sharethis', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' )); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_retweet', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_buzz', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_plusone', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_digg', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_facebook', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_stumbleupon', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_reddit', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_linkedin', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_pinterest', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); add_shortcode( 'wpsr_commentsbt', array( __CLASS__, 'old_buttons' ) ); } public static function old_buttons(){ return ''; } } WPSR_Buttons::init(); ?>