Edit File: class.npu_uploader.php
<?php /* Is there any way we can handle the uploading more gracefully? Does NGG rely on not uploading to the media library, making the functions available there not applicable? */ // Get NextGEN Gallery Functions require_once ( NGGALLERY_ABSPATH . '/admin/functions.php' ); class UploaderNggAdmin extends nggAdmin { // Public Variables public $arrImageIds = array(); public $arrImageNames = array(); public $arrThumbReturn = array(); public $arrEXIF = array(); public $arrErrorMsg = array(); public $arrErrorMsg_widg = array(); public $strFileName = ''; public $strGalleryPath = ''; public $blnRedirectPage = false; function upload_images() { global $wpdb; // Image Array $imageslist = array(); // Get Gallery ID $galleryID = (int) $_POST['galleryselect']; if ( $galleryID == 0 ) { if( get_option( 'npu_default_gallery' ) ) { $galleryID = get_option( 'npu_default_gallery' ); } else { self::show_error( __( 'No gallery selected.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); return; } } // Get Gallery Path $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT path FROM $wpdb->nggallery WHERE gid = '$galleryID' " ); if ( ! $gallerypath ) { self::show_error( __( 'Failure in database, no gallery path set.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); return; } // Read Image List $dirlist = $this->scandir( ABSPATH . $gallerypath ); foreach( $_FILES as $key => $value ) { if ( $_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0 ) { $entropy = ''; $temp_file = $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']; $filepart = pathinfo( strtolower( $_FILES[$key]['name'] ) ); // Required Until PHP 5.2.0 $filepart['filename'] = substr( $filepart["basename"], 0, strlen( $filepart["basename"] ) - ( strlen( $filepart["extension"] ) + 1 ) ); // Random hash generation added by [http://www.linus-neumann.de/2011/04/19/ngg_pu_patch] $randPool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; for( $i = 0; $i<20; $i++ ) $entropy .= $randPool[ mt_rand( 0, strlen( $randPool )-1 ) ]; $filename = sanitize_title( $filepart['filename'] ) . '-' . sha1( md5( $entropy ) ) . '.' . $filepart['extension']; // Allowed Extensions $ext = array( 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif' ); if ( !in_array( $filepart['extension'], $ext ) || !@getimagesize( $temp_file ) ) { self::show_error( '<strong>' . $_FILES[$key]['name'] . '</strong>' . __( 'is not a valid file.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); continue; } // Check If File Exists $i = 0; while ( in_array( $filename, $dirlist ) ) { $filename = sanitize_title( $filepart['filename'] ) . '_' . $i++ . '.' . $filepart['extension']; } $dest_file = ABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename; // Check Folder Permissions if ( !is_writeable( ABSPATH . $gallerypath ) ) { $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ), ABSPATH . $gallerypath ); self::show_error( $message ); return; } // Save Temporary File if ( !@move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $dest_file ) ) { self::show_error( __( 'Error, the file could not moved to: ', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) . $dest_file ); $this->check_safemode( ABSPATH.$gallerypath ); continue; } if ( ! $this->chmod( $dest_file ) ) { self::show_error( __( 'Error, the file permissions could not set.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); continue; } // Add to Image and Dir List $imageslist[] = $filename; $dirlist[] = $filename; } } if ( count( $imageslist ) > 0 ) { if ( ! get_option( 'npu_exclude_select' ) ) { $npu_exclude_id = 0; } else { $npu_exclude_id = 1; } // Add Images to Database $image_ids = $this->add_Images( $galleryID, $imageslist ); $this->arrThumbReturn = array(); foreach ( $image_ids as $pid ) { $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->nggpictures SET exclude = '$npu_exclude_id' WHERE pid = '$pid'" ); $this->arrThumbReturn[] = $this->create_thumbnail( $pid ); } $this->arrImageIds = array(); $this->arrImageIds = $image_ids; $this->arrImageNames = array(); $this->arrImageNames = $imageslist; $this->strGalleryPath = $gallerypath; } return; } // End Function function upload_images_widget() { global $wpdb; // Image Array $imageslist = array(); // Get Gallery ID $galleryID = (int)$_POST['galleryselect']; if ( $galleryID == 0 ) { if( get_option( 'npu_default_gallery' ) ) { $galleryID = get_option( 'npu_default_gallery' ); } else { self::show_error( __( 'No gallery selected.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); return; } } // Get Gallery Path $gallerypath = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT path FROM $wpdb->nggallery WHERE gid = '$galleryID' " ); if ( ! $gallerypath ) { self::show_error( __( 'Failure in database, no gallery path set.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); return; } // Read Image List $dirlist = $this->scandir( ABSPATH . $gallerypath ); foreach( $_FILES as $key => $value ) { if ( $_FILES[$key]['error'] == 0 ) { $temp_file = $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']; $filepart = pathinfo ( strtolower( $_FILES[$key]['name'] ) ); // Required Until PHP 5.2.0 $filepart['filename'] = substr( $filepart["basename"], 0, strlen( $filepart["basename"] ) - ( strlen( $filepart["extension"] ) + 1 ) ); $filename = sanitize_title( $filepart['filename'] ) . '.' . $filepart['extension']; // Allowed Extensions $ext = array( 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif' ); if ( !in_array( $filepart['extension'], $ext ) || !@getimagesize( $temp_file ) ){ self::show_error( '<strong>' . $_FILES[$key]['name'] . '</strong>' . __( 'is not a valid file.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); continue; } // Check If File Exists $i = 0; while ( in_array( $filename, $dirlist ) ) { $filename = sanitize_title( $filepart['filename'] ) . '_' . $i++ . '.' . $filepart['extension']; } $dest_file = ABSPATH . $gallerypath . '/' . $filename; // Check Folder Permissions if ( !is_writeable( ABSPATH . $gallerypath ) ) { $message = sprintf( __( 'Unable to write to directory %s. Is this directory writable by the server?', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ), ABSPATH . $gallerypath ); self::show_error( $message ); return; } // Save Temporary File if ( ! @move_uploaded_file( $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'], $dest_file ) ) { self::show_error( __( 'Error, the file could not moved to: ', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) . $dest_file ); $this->check_safemode( ABSPATH . $gallerypath ); continue; } if ( ! $this->chmod( $dest_file ) ) { self::show_error( __( 'Error, the file permissions could not set.', 'nextgen-public-uploader' ) ); continue; } // Add to Image and Dir List $imageslist[] = $filename; $dirlist[] = $filename; } } if ( count( $imageslist ) > 0 ) { if ( ! get_option( 'npu_exclude_select' ) ) { $npu_exclude_id = 0; } else { $npu_exclude_id = 1; } // Add Images to Database $image_ids = $this->add_Images( $galleryID, $imageslist ); $this->arrThumbReturn = array(); foreach ( $image_ids as $pid ) { //TODO: prepare $wpdb->query( "UPDATE $wpdb->nggpictures SET exclude = '$npu_exclude_id' WHERE pid = '$pid'" ); $this->arrThumbReturn[] = $this->create_thumbnail( $pid ); } $this->arrImageIds = array(); $this->arrImageIds = $image_ids; $this->arrImageNames = array(); $this->arrImageNames = $imageslist; $this->strGalleryPath = $gallerypath; } return; } // End Function public static function show_error( $msg ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() && apply_filters( 'uploader_ngg_admin_show_error', true ) ) { nggGallery::show_error( $msg ); } } }