Edit File: followbar.php
<?php /** * Follow bar admin page helpers * **/ class WPSR_Followbar{ public static function init(){ add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpsr_followbar_editor', array( __CLASS__, 'popup_editor' ) ); } function popup_editor(){ global $hook_suffix; $hook_suffix = WPSR_Admin::$pagehook; set_current_screen( $hook_suffix ); iframe_header( 'WP Socializer follow bar editor' ); if( !isset( $_GET[ 'template' ] ) || !isset( $_GET[ 'cnt_id' ] ) || !isset( $_GET[ 'prev_id' ] ) ){ echo '<p align="center">Incomplete info to load editor !</p></body></html>'; //die( 0 ); } $sb_sites = WPSR_Lists::social_buttons(); echo '<script>window.social_buttons = ' . json_encode( $sb_sites ) . ';</script>'; echo '<script>window.li_template = \'' . self::li_template() . '\';</script>'; echo '<div id="wpsr_pp_editor">'; echo '<h3>WP Socializer - follow bar editor</h3>'; WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Add buttons to follow bar', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Select a social media button from the list and add it to the list', 'wpsr' ), '1' ); echo '<table class="form-table"><tr><td width="90%">'; echo '<select class="fb_list widefat">'; foreach( $sb_sites as $id=>$prop ){ echo '<option value="' . $id . '">' . $prop[ 'name' ] . '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '</td><td>'; echo '<button class="fb_add button button-primary widefat">Add button</button>'; echo '</td></tr></table>'; $template = self::read_template( esc_attr( $_GET[ 'template' ] ) ); echo '<ul class="fb_selected">'; echo $template[ 'editor' ]; echo '</ul>'; echo '<input type="hidden" class="fb_template" />'; WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); echo '<p class="wpsr_ppe_footer" align="center"><button class="button button-primary wpsr_ppe_save" data-mode="followbar" data-cnt-id="' . esc_attr( $_GET[ 'cnt_id' ] ) . '" data-prev-id="' . esc_attr( $_GET[ 'prev_id' ] ) . '">Apply settings</button> <button class="button wpsr_ppe_cancel">Cancel</button></p>'; echo '</div>'; iframe_footer(); die( 0 ); } public static function read_template( $template = '' ){ $decoded = base64_decode( $template ); $btns = json_decode( $decoded ); if( !is_array( $btns ) ){ return array( 'prev' => '', 'editor' => '' ); } $sb_sites = WPSR_Lists::social_buttons(); $editor = ''; $prev = ''; foreach( $btns as $btn_obj ){ $id = key( (array) $btn_obj ); $prop = $sb_sites[ $id ]; $editor .= self::li_template( $id, $prop[ 'name' ], $prop[ 'icon' ], $prop[ 'colors' ][0], $btn_obj->$id->url, $btn_obj->$id->icon, $btn_obj->$id->text ); $prev .= '<li style="background-color:' . $prop[ 'colors' ][0] . '"><i class="fa fa-' . $prop[ 'icon' ] . '"></i></li>'; } if( $prev == '' ) $prev = '<span>No buttons are added. Open the editor to add buttons.</span>'; $prev = '<ul class="fb_preview">' . $prev . '</ul>'; return array( 'editor' => $editor, 'prev' => $prev ); } public static function li_template( $id = '%id%', $name = '%name%', $icon = '%icon%', $color = '%color%', $url = '%url%', $iurl = '%iurl%', $text = '%text%' ){ $title = __( 'Leave blank to use default', 'wpsr' ); return '<li data-id="' . $id . '"><h4 style="background-color: ' . $color . '"><i class="fa fa-' . $icon . ' item_icon"></i>' . $name . '<a href="#" class="fb_item_remove">' . __( 'Delete', 'wpsr' ) . '</a></h4><div><label>Button URL: <input type="text" class="widefat fb_item_url" placeholder="Enter profile URL" value="' . $url . '" /></label><label>Button text: <input type="text" class="widefat fb_btn_text" title="' . $title . '" placeholder="Enter custom text to show for button" value="' . $text . '"/></label><label>Icon image URL: <input type="text" class="widefat fb_icon_url" placeholder="Enter custom Icon URL." title="' . $title . '" value="' . $iurl . '"/></label></div></li>'; } } WPSR_Followbar::init(); /** * Follow bar admin page */ class wpsr_admin_followbar{ function __construct(){ WPSR_Admin::add_tab( 'followbar', array( 'name' => 'Follow Bar', 'banner' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/banners/followbar.png', 'page_callback' => array( $this, 'page' ), 'form' => array( 'id' => 'followbar_settings', 'name' => 'followbar_settings', 'callback' => array( $this, 'form_fields' ), 'validation' => array( $this, 'validation' ), ) )); } function form_fields( $values ){ $values = wp_parse_args( $values, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'followbar' ) ); $section0 = array( array( __( 'Select to enable or disable follow bar feature', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'ft_status', 'value' => $values[ 'ft_status' ], 'list' => array( 'enable' => __( 'Enable follow bar', 'wpsr' ), 'disable' => __( 'Disable follow bar', 'wpsr' ) ), )), 'class="ft_table"' ), ); WPSR_Admin::youtube_help_icon( 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v5VTYzZcMo' ); WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section0, __( 'Enable/disable follow bar', 'wpsr' ), '', false, '1' ); $template = WPSR_Followbar::read_template( $values[ 'template' ] ); echo '<div class="feature_wrap">'; // Section 1 WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Add and edit follow bar buttons', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Below are the buttons added to follow bar. Open editor to add and rearrange the buttons.', 'wpsr' ), '2' ); echo '<h4>' . __( 'Selected buttons', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; echo '<div id="fb_prev_wrap">' . $template[ 'prev' ] . '</div>'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="fb_template_val" name="template" value="' . $values[ 'template' ] . '" />'; echo '<p align="center"><button class="button button-primary wpsr_ppe_fb_open" data-cnt-id="fb_template_val" data-prev-id="fb_prev_wrap">' . __( 'Open editor', 'wpsr' ) . '</button></p>'; WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); // Section 2 $section2 = array( array( __( 'Button shape', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'shape', 'value' => $values['shape'], 'list' => array( '' => 'Square', 'circle' => 'Circle', 'squircle' => 'Squircle', 'squircle-2' => 'Squircle 2', 'diamond' => 'Diamond', 'ribbon' => 'Ribbon', 'drop' => 'Drop', ), ))), array( __( 'Button size', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'size', 'value' => $values['size'], 'list' => array( '32px' => '32px', '16px' => '16px', '48px' => '48px', '64px' => '64px', ), ))), array( __( 'Button background color', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => 'bg_color', 'value' => $values['bg_color'], 'class' => 'color_picker', 'helper' => __( 'Set empty value to use automatic background color', 'wpsr' ) ))), array( __( 'Icon color', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => 'icon_color', 'value' => $values['icon_color'], 'class' => 'color_picker' ))), array( __( 'Orientation', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'orientation', 'value' => $values['orientation'], 'list' => array( 'vertical' => __( 'Vertical', 'wpsr' ), 'horizontal' => __( 'Horizontal', 'wpsr' ) ), ))), array( __( 'Position', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'position', 'value' => $values['position'], 'list' => array( 'tl' => __( 'Top left', 'wpsr' ), 'tm' => __( 'Top middle', 'wpsr' ), 'tr' => __( 'Top right', 'wpsr' ), 'rm' => __( 'Right middle', 'wpsr' ), 'br' => __( 'Bottom right', 'wpsr' ), 'bm' => __( 'Bottom middle', 'wpsr' ), 'bl' => __( 'Bottom left', 'wpsr' ), 'lm' => __( 'Left middle', 'wpsr' ), ), ))), array( __( 'Text style', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'text', 'value' => $values['text'], 'list' => array( 'hide' => __( 'Hide button text', 'wpsr' ), 'hover' => __( 'Show text on hover', 'wpsr' ) ), ))), array( __( 'Hover effect', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'hover', 'value' => $values['hover'], 'list' => array( '' => __( 'None', 'wpsr' ), 'opacity' => 'Opacity', 'rotate' => 'Rotate', 'zoom' => 'Zoom', 'shrink' => 'Shrink', 'float' => 'Float', 'sink' => 'Sink' ), ))), array( __( 'Gutters', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'pad', 'value' => $values['pad'], 'list' => array( '' => __( 'No', 'wpsr' ), 'pad' => __( 'yes', 'wpsr' ) ), 'helper' => __( 'Select to add space between buttons', 'wpsr' ) ))), array( __( 'Title', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => 'title', 'value' => $values['title'], 'helper' => __( 'Text to show above the follow bar', 'wpsr' ), ))), array( __( 'Open links in popup', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'open_popup', 'value' => $values['open_popup'], 'list' => array( 'no' => 'No', '' => 'yes', ), ))), ); WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section2, __( 'Settings', 'wpsr' ), '', false, '3' ); // Location rules WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Conditions to display the followbar', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Choose the below options to select the pages which will display the followbar.', 'wpsr' ), '4' ); WPSR_Location_Rules::display_rules( "loc_rules", $values['loc_rules'] ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); echo '</div>'; } function page(){ WPSR_Admin::settings_form( 'followbar' ); } function validation( $input ){ return $input; } } new wpsr_admin_followbar(); /** * Follow bar widget */ class wpsr_widget_followbar{ function __construct(){ WPSR_Widgets::register( 'followbar_widget', array( 'name' => 'Follow me/us icons widget', 'callbacks' => array( 'widget' => array( $this, 'widget' ), 'form' => array( $this, 'form' ), 'update' => array( $this, 'update' ) ) )); $this->defaults = array( 'template' => '', 'orientation' => 'horizontal', 'shape' => '', 'size' => '32px', 'bg_color' => '', 'icon_color' => '#ffffff', 'text' => 'hide', 'hover' => 'opacity', 'pad' => 'pad', 'profile_text' => '' ); } function widget( $args, $instance ){ $instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, $this->defaults ); $html = WPSR_Template_Followbar::html( $instance, False ); echo $html; } function form( $obj, $instance ){ echo '<h4>' . __( 'Follow bar widget', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; $instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, $this->defaults ); $fields = new WPSR_Widget_Form_Fields( $obj, $instance ); $wtmpl_val = esc_attr( $instance[ 'template' ] ); $wtmpl_cnt_id = $obj->get_field_id( 'template' ); $wtmpl_prev_id = $obj->get_field_id( 'fbw_prev' ); echo '<div class="hidden">'; $fields->text( 'template', '' ); $fields->text( 'orientation', '' ); echo '</div>'; echo '<h5>' . __( 'Selected buttons', 'wpsr' ) . '</h5>'; echo '<div class="wpsr_wtmpl_wrap clearfix" id="' . $wtmpl_prev_id . '">'; $tmpl = WPSR_Followbar::read_template( $wtmpl_val ); echo $tmpl[ 'prev' ]; echo '</div>'; echo '<p align="center"><button class="button button-primary wpsr_ppe_fb_open" data-wtmpl-cnt-id="' . $wtmpl_cnt_id . '" data-wtmpl-prev-id="' . $wtmpl_prev_id . '">' . __( 'Open editor', 'wpsr' ) . '</button></p>'; echo '<h5>' . __( 'Settings', 'wpsr' ) . '</h5>'; $fields->select( 'shape', 'Button shape', array( '' => 'Square', 'circle' => 'Circle', 'squircle' => 'Squircle', 'squircle-2' => 'Squircle 2', 'diamond' => 'Diamond', 'ribbon' => 'Ribbon', 'drop' => 'Drop', ), array( 'class' => 'smallfat' )); $fields->select( 'size', 'Button size', array( '32px' => '32px', '16px' => '16px', '48px' => '48px', '64px' => '64px', ), array( 'class' => 'smallfat' )); $fields->text( 'bg_color', 'Button background color', array( 'class' => 'smallfat wpsr-color-picker' )); $fields->text( 'icon_color', 'Icon color', array( 'class' => 'smallfat wpsr-color-picker' )); $fields->select( 'text', 'Text style', array( 'hide' => 'Hide button text', 'hover' => 'Show text on hover' ), array( 'class' => 'smallfat' )); $fields->select( 'hover', 'Hover effect', array( '' => __( 'None', 'wpsr' ), 'opacity' => 'Opacity', 'rotate' => 'Rotate', 'zoom' => 'Zoom', 'shrink' => 'Shrink', 'float' => 'Float', 'sink' => 'Sink' ), array( 'class' => 'smallfat' )); $fields->select( 'pad', 'Gap between buttons', array( '' => 'No', 'pad' => 'yes' ), array( 'class' => 'smallfat' )); $fields->text( 'profile_text', 'Text above buttons' ); } function update( $instance ){ return $instance; } } new wpsr_widget_followbar(); ?>