Edit File: hiera
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # For security reasons, ensure that '.' is not on the load path # This is primarily for 1.8.7 since 1.9.2+ doesn't put '.' on the load path $LOAD_PATH.delete '.' # CLI client for Hiera. # # To lookup the 'release' key for a node given Puppet YAML facts: # # $ hiera release 'rel/%{location}' --yaml some.node.yaml # # If the node yaml had a location fact the default would match that # else you can supply scope values on the command line # # $ hiera release 'rel/%{location}' location=dc2 --yaml some.node.yaml # Bundler and rubygems maintain a set of directories from which to # load gems. If Bundler is loaded, let it determine what can be # loaded. If it's not loaded, then use rubygems. But do this before # loading any hiera code, so that our gem loading system is sane. if not defined? ::Bundler begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end end require 'hiera' require 'hiera/util' require 'optparse' require 'pp' options = { :default => nil, :config => File.join(Hiera::Util.config_dir, 'hiera.yaml'), :scope => {}, :key => nil, :verbose => false, :resolution_type => :priority } # Loads the scope from YAML or JSON files def load_scope(source, type=:yaml) case type when :mcollective begin require 'mcollective' include MCollective::RPC util = rpcclient("rpcutil") util.progress = false nodestats = util.custom_request("inventory", {}, source, {"identity" => source}).first raise "Failed to retrieve facts for node #{source}: #{nodestats[:statusmsg]}" unless nodestats[:statuscode] == 0 scope = nodestats[:data][:facts] rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "MCollective lookup failed: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end when :yaml raise "Cannot find scope #{type} file #{source}" unless File.exist?(source) require 'yaml' # Attempt to load puppet in case we're going to be fed # Puppet yaml files begin require 'puppet' rescue end scope = YAML.load_file(source) # Puppet makes dumb yaml files that do not promote data reuse. scope = scope.values if scope.is_a?(Puppet::Node::Facts) when :json raise "Cannot find scope #{type} file #{source}" unless File.exist?(source) require 'json' scope = JSON.load(File.read(source)) when :inventory_service # For this to work the machine running the hiera command needs access to # /facts REST endpoint on your inventory server. This access is # controlled in auth.conf and identification is by the certname of the # machine running hiera commands. # # Another caveat is that if your inventory server isn't at the short dns # name of 'puppet' you will need to set the inventory_sever option in # your puppet.conf. Set it in either the master or main sections. It # is fine to have the inventory_server option set even if the config # doesn't have the fact_terminus set to rest. begin require 'puppet/util/run_mode' $puppet_application_mode = Puppet::Util::RunMode[:master] require 'puppet' Puppet.settings.parse Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.terminus_class = :rest scope = YAML.load(Puppet::Node::Facts.indirection.find(source).to_yaml) # Puppet makes dumb yaml files that do not promote data reuse. scope = scope.values if scope.is_a?(Puppet::Node::Facts) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Puppet inventory service lookup failed: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end else raise "Don't know how to load data type #{type}" end raise "Scope from #{type} file #{source} should be a Hash" unless scope.is_a?(Hash) scope end OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: hiera [options] key [default value] [variable='text'...]\n\nThe default value will be used if no value is found for the key. Scope variables\nwill be interpolated into %{variable} placeholders in the hierarchy and in\nreturned values.\n\n" opts.on("--version", "-V", "Version information") do puts Hiera.version exit end opts.on("--debug", "-d", "Show debugging information") do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on("--array", "-a", "Return all values as an array") do options[:resolution_type] = :array end opts.on("--hash", "-h", "Return all values as a hash") do options[:resolution_type] = :hash end opts.on("--config CONFIG", "-c", "Configuration file") do |v| if File.exist?(v) options[:config] = v else STDERR.puts "Cannot find config file: #{v}" exit 1 end end opts.on("--json SCOPE", "-j", "JSON format file to load scope from") do |v| begin options[:scope] = load_scope(v, :json) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Could not load JSON scope: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end end opts.on("--yaml SCOPE", "-y", "YAML format file to load scope from") do |v| begin options[:scope] = load_scope(v) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Could not load YAML scope: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end end opts.on("--mcollective IDENTITY", "-m", "Use facts from a node (via mcollective) as scope") do |v| begin options[:scope] = load_scope(v, :mcollective) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Could not load MCollective scope: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end end opts.on("--inventory_service IDENTITY", "-i", "Use facts from a node (via Puppet's inventory service) as scope") do |v| begin options[:scope] = load_scope(v, :inventory_service) rescue Exception => e STDERR.puts "Could not load Puppet inventory service scope: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end end end.parse! # arguments can be: # # key default var=val another=val # # The var=val's assign scope unless ARGV.empty? options[:key] = ARGV.delete_at(0) ARGV.each do |arg| if arg =~ /^(.+?)=(.+?)$/ options[:scope][$1] = $2 else unless options[:default] options[:default] = arg.dup else STDERR.puts "Don't know how to parse scope argument: #{arg}" end end end else STDERR.puts "Please supply a data item to look up" exit 1 end begin hiera = Hiera.new(:config => options[:config]) rescue Exception => e if options[:verbose] raise else STDERR.puts "Failed to start Hiera: #{e.class}: #{e}" exit 1 end end unless options[:verbose] Hiera.logger = "noop" end ans = hiera.lookup(options[:key], options[:default], options[:scope], nil, options[:resolution_type]) if ans.is_a?(String) puts ans else pp ans end