Edit File: hpcdtoppm
#!/bin/sh cat <<EOF 1>&2 You are running a program named 'hpcdtoppm' that stands in for the real program by that name. The real 'hpcdtoppm' is a program that converts an image from Photo CD format to PPM format. The program you are running now just issues the message you are reading. Please get a copy of Hpcdtoppm from http://terasaur.org/item/show/hpcdtoppm-netpbm-convert-photo-cd/4967 and replace this stand-in program with the real one. The point of this is that this stand-in 'hpcdtoppm' is distributed with Netpbm on Sourceforge. Hpcdtoppm does not meet the requirements to be distributed on Sourceforge because a copyright holder does not permit people to sell copies. At one time, the real Hpcdtoppm was distributed with Netpbm on Sourceforge by mistake. EOF exit 1