Edit File: pjOld.js
/*! peerjs.js build:0.3.9, development. Copyright(c) 2013 Michelle Bu <michelle@michellebu.com> */ (function(exports){ var binaryFeatures = {}; binaryFeatures.useBlobBuilder = (function(){ try { new Blob([]); return false; } catch (e) { return true; } })(); binaryFeatures.useArrayBufferView = !binaryFeatures.useBlobBuilder && (function(){ try { return (new Blob([new Uint8Array([])])).size === 0; } catch (e) { return true; } })(); exports.binaryFeatures = binaryFeatures; exports.BlobBuilder = window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder || window.MSBlobBuilder || window.BlobBuilder; function BufferBuilder(){ this._pieces = []; this._parts = []; } BufferBuilder.prototype.append = function(data) { if(typeof data === 'number') { this._pieces.push(data); } else { this.flush(); this._parts.push(data); } }; BufferBuilder.prototype.flush = function() { if (this._pieces.length > 0) { var buf = new Uint8Array(this._pieces); if(!binaryFeatures.useArrayBufferView) { buf = buf.buffer; } this._parts.push(buf); this._pieces = []; } }; BufferBuilder.prototype.getBuffer = function() { this.flush(); if(binaryFeatures.useBlobBuilder) { var builder = new BlobBuilder(); for(var i = 0, ii = this._parts.length; i < ii; i++) { builder.append(this._parts[i]); } return builder.getBlob(); } else { return new Blob(this._parts); } }; exports.BinaryPack = { unpack: function(data){ var unpacker = new Unpacker(data); return unpacker.unpack(); }, pack: function(data){ var packer = new Packer(); packer.pack(data); var buffer = packer.getBuffer(); return buffer; } }; function Unpacker (data){ // Data is ArrayBuffer this.index = 0; this.dataBuffer = data; this.dataView = new Uint8Array(this.dataBuffer); this.length = this.dataBuffer.byteLength; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack = function(){ var type = this.unpack_uint8(); if (type < 0x80){ var positive_fixnum = type; return positive_fixnum; } else if ((type ^ 0xe0) < 0x20){ var negative_fixnum = (type ^ 0xe0) - 0x20; return negative_fixnum; } var size; if ((size = type ^ 0xa0) <= 0x0f){ return this.unpack_raw(size); } else if ((size = type ^ 0xb0) <= 0x0f){ return this.unpack_string(size); } else if ((size = type ^ 0x90) <= 0x0f){ return this.unpack_array(size); } else if ((size = type ^ 0x80) <= 0x0f){ return this.unpack_map(size); } switch(type){ case 0xc0: return null; case 0xc1: return undefined; case 0xc2: return false; case 0xc3: return true; case 0xca: return this.unpack_float(); case 0xcb: return this.unpack_double(); case 0xcc: return this.unpack_uint8(); case 0xcd: return this.unpack_uint16(); case 0xce: return this.unpack_uint32(); case 0xcf: return this.unpack_uint64(); case 0xd0: return this.unpack_int8(); case 0xd1: return this.unpack_int16(); case 0xd2: return this.unpack_int32(); case 0xd3: return this.unpack_int64(); case 0xd4: return undefined; case 0xd5: return undefined; case 0xd6: return undefined; case 0xd7: return undefined; case 0xd8: size = this.unpack_uint16(); return this.unpack_string(size); case 0xd9: size = this.unpack_uint32(); return this.unpack_string(size); case 0xda: size = this.unpack_uint16(); return this.unpack_raw(size); case 0xdb: size = this.unpack_uint32(); return this.unpack_raw(size); case 0xdc: size = this.unpack_uint16(); return this.unpack_array(size); case 0xdd: size = this.unpack_uint32(); return this.unpack_array(size); case 0xde: size = this.unpack_uint16(); return this.unpack_map(size); case 0xdf: size = this.unpack_uint32(); return this.unpack_map(size); } } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_uint8 = function(){ var byte = this.dataView[this.index] & 0xff; this.index++; return byte; }; Unpacker.prototype.unpack_uint16 = function(){ var bytes = this.read(2); var uint16 = ((bytes[0] & 0xff) * 256) + (bytes[1] & 0xff); this.index += 2; return uint16; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_uint32 = function(){ var bytes = this.read(4); var uint32 = ((bytes[0] * 256 + bytes[1]) * 256 + bytes[2]) * 256 + bytes[3]; this.index += 4; return uint32; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_uint64 = function(){ var bytes = this.read(8); var uint64 = ((((((bytes[0] * 256 + bytes[1]) * 256 + bytes[2]) * 256 + bytes[3]) * 256 + bytes[4]) * 256 + bytes[5]) * 256 + bytes[6]) * 256 + bytes[7]; this.index += 8; return uint64; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_int8 = function(){ var uint8 = this.unpack_uint8(); return (uint8 < 0x80 ) ? uint8 : uint8 - (1 << 8); }; Unpacker.prototype.unpack_int16 = function(){ var uint16 = this.unpack_uint16(); return (uint16 < 0x8000 ) ? uint16 : uint16 - (1 << 16); } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_int32 = function(){ var uint32 = this.unpack_uint32(); return (uint32 < Math.pow(2, 31) ) ? uint32 : uint32 - Math.pow(2, 32); } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_int64 = function(){ var uint64 = this.unpack_uint64(); return (uint64 < Math.pow(2, 63) ) ? uint64 : uint64 - Math.pow(2, 64); } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_raw = function(size){ if ( this.length < this.index + size){ throw new Error('BinaryPackFailure: index is out of range' + ' ' + this.index + ' ' + size + ' ' + this.length); } var buf = this.dataBuffer.slice(this.index, this.index + size); this.index += size; //buf = util.bufferToString(buf); return buf; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_string = function(size){ var bytes = this.read(size); var i = 0, str = '', c, code; while(i < size){ c = bytes[i]; if ( c < 128){ str += String.fromCharCode(c); i++; } else if ((c ^ 0xc0) < 32){ code = ((c ^ 0xc0) << 6) | (bytes[i+1] & 63); str += String.fromCharCode(code); i += 2; } else { code = ((c & 15) << 12) | ((bytes[i+1] & 63) << 6) | (bytes[i+2] & 63); str += String.fromCharCode(code); i += 3; } } this.index += size; return str; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_array = function(size){ var objects = new Array(size); for(var i = 0; i < size ; i++){ objects[i] = this.unpack(); } return objects; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_map = function(size){ var map = {}; for(var i = 0; i < size ; i++){ var key = this.unpack(); var value = this.unpack(); map[key] = value; } return map; } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_float = function(){ var uint32 = this.unpack_uint32(); var sign = uint32 >> 31; var exp = ((uint32 >> 23) & 0xff) - 127; var fraction = ( uint32 & 0x7fffff ) | 0x800000; return (sign == 0 ? 1 : -1) * fraction * Math.pow(2, exp - 23); } Unpacker.prototype.unpack_double = function(){ var h32 = this.unpack_uint32(); var l32 = this.unpack_uint32(); var sign = h32 >> 31; var exp = ((h32 >> 20) & 0x7ff) - 1023; var hfrac = ( h32 & 0xfffff ) | 0x100000; var frac = hfrac * Math.pow(2, exp - 20) + l32 * Math.pow(2, exp - 52); return (sign == 0 ? 1 : -1) * frac; } Unpacker.prototype.read = function(length){ var j = this.index; if (j + length <= this.length) { return this.dataView.subarray(j, j + length); } else { throw new Error('BinaryPackFailure: read index out of range'); } } function Packer(){ this.bufferBuilder = new BufferBuilder(); } Packer.prototype.getBuffer = function(){ return this.bufferBuilder.getBuffer(); } Packer.prototype.pack = function(value){ var type = typeof(value); if (type == 'string'){ this.pack_string(value); } else if (type == 'number'){ if (Math.floor(value) === value){ this.pack_integer(value); } else{ this.pack_double(value); } } else if (type == 'boolean'){ if (value === true){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xc3); } else if (value === false){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xc2); } } else if (type == 'undefined'){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xc0); } else if (type == 'object'){ if (value === null){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xc0); } else { var constructor = value.constructor; if (constructor == Array){ this.pack_array(value); } else if (constructor == Blob || constructor == File) { this.pack_bin(value); } else if (constructor == ArrayBuffer) { if(binaryFeatures.useArrayBufferView) { this.pack_bin(new Uint8Array(value)); } else { this.pack_bin(value); } } else if ('BYTES_PER_ELEMENT' in value){ if(binaryFeatures.useArrayBufferView) { this.pack_bin(new Uint8Array(value.buffer)); } else { this.pack_bin(value.buffer); } } else if (constructor == Object){ this.pack_object(value); } else if (constructor == Date){ this.pack_string(value.toString()); } else if (typeof value.toBinaryPack == 'function'){ this.bufferBuilder.append(value.toBinaryPack()); } else { throw new Error('Type "' + constructor.toString() + '" not yet supported'); } } } else { throw new Error('Type "' + type + '" not yet supported'); } this.bufferBuilder.flush(); } Packer.prototype.pack_bin = function(blob){ var length = blob.length || blob.byteLength || blob.size; if (length <= 0x0f){ this.pack_uint8(0xa0 + length); } else if (length <= 0xffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xda) ; this.pack_uint16(length); } else if (length <= 0xffffffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xdb); this.pack_uint32(length); } else{ throw new Error('Invalid length'); return; } this.bufferBuilder.append(blob); } Packer.prototype.pack_string = function(str){ var length = utf8Length(str); if (length <= 0x0f){ this.pack_uint8(0xb0 + length); } else if (length <= 0xffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xd8) ; this.pack_uint16(length); } else if (length <= 0xffffffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xd9); this.pack_uint32(length); } else{ throw new Error('Invalid length'); return; } this.bufferBuilder.append(str); } Packer.prototype.pack_array = function(ary){ var length = ary.length; if (length <= 0x0f){ this.pack_uint8(0x90 + length); } else if (length <= 0xffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xdc) this.pack_uint16(length); } else if (length <= 0xffffffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xdd); this.pack_uint32(length); } else{ throw new Error('Invalid length'); } for(var i = 0; i < length ; i++){ this.pack(ary[i]); } } Packer.prototype.pack_integer = function(num){ if ( -0x20 <= num && num <= 0x7f){ this.bufferBuilder.append(num & 0xff); } else if (0x00 <= num && num <= 0xff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xcc); this.pack_uint8(num); } else if (-0x80 <= num && num <= 0x7f){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xd0); this.pack_int8(num); } else if ( 0x0000 <= num && num <= 0xffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xcd); this.pack_uint16(num); } else if (-0x8000 <= num && num <= 0x7fff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xd1); this.pack_int16(num); } else if ( 0x00000000 <= num && num <= 0xffffffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xce); this.pack_uint32(num); } else if (-0x80000000 <= num && num <= 0x7fffffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xd2); this.pack_int32(num); } else if (-0x8000000000000000 <= num && num <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xd3); this.pack_int64(num); } else if (0x0000000000000000 <= num && num <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xcf); this.pack_uint64(num); } else{ throw new Error('Invalid integer'); } } Packer.prototype.pack_double = function(num){ var sign = 0; if (num < 0){ sign = 1; num = -num; } var exp = Math.floor(Math.log(num) / Math.LN2); var frac0 = num / Math.pow(2, exp) - 1; var frac1 = Math.floor(frac0 * Math.pow(2, 52)); var b32 = Math.pow(2, 32); var h32 = (sign << 31) | ((exp+1023) << 20) | (frac1 / b32) & 0x0fffff; var l32 = frac1 % b32; this.bufferBuilder.append(0xcb); this.pack_int32(h32); this.pack_int32(l32); } Packer.prototype.pack_object = function(obj){ var keys = Object.keys(obj); var length = keys.length; if (length <= 0x0f){ this.pack_uint8(0x80 + length); } else if (length <= 0xffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xde); this.pack_uint16(length); } else if (length <= 0xffffffff){ this.bufferBuilder.append(0xdf); this.pack_uint32(length); } else{ throw new Error('Invalid length'); } for(var prop in obj){ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)){ this.pack(prop); this.pack(obj[prop]); } } } Packer.prototype.pack_uint8 = function(num){ this.bufferBuilder.append(num); } Packer.prototype.pack_uint16 = function(num){ this.bufferBuilder.append(num >> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append(num & 0xff); } Packer.prototype.pack_uint32 = function(num){ var n = num & 0xffffffff; this.bufferBuilder.append((n & 0xff000000) >>> 24); this.bufferBuilder.append((n & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16); this.bufferBuilder.append((n & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append((n & 0x000000ff)); } Packer.prototype.pack_uint64 = function(num){ var high = num / Math.pow(2, 32); var low = num % Math.pow(2, 32); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0xff000000) >>> 24); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0x000000ff)); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0xff000000) >>> 24); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0x000000ff)); } Packer.prototype.pack_int8 = function(num){ this.bufferBuilder.append(num & 0xff); } Packer.prototype.pack_int16 = function(num){ this.bufferBuilder.append((num & 0xff00) >> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append(num & 0xff); } Packer.prototype.pack_int32 = function(num){ this.bufferBuilder.append((num >>> 24) & 0xff); this.bufferBuilder.append((num & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16); this.bufferBuilder.append((num & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append((num & 0x000000ff)); } Packer.prototype.pack_int64 = function(num){ var high = Math.floor(num / Math.pow(2, 32)); var low = num % Math.pow(2, 32); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0xff000000) >>> 24); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append((high & 0x000000ff)); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0xff000000) >>> 24); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0x00ff0000) >>> 16); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0x0000ff00) >>> 8); this.bufferBuilder.append((low & 0x000000ff)); } function _utf8Replace(m){ var code = m.charCodeAt(0); if(code <= 0x7ff) return '00'; if(code <= 0xffff) return '000'; if(code <= 0x1fffff) return '0000'; if(code <= 0x3ffffff) return '00000'; return '000000'; } function utf8Length(str){ if (str.length > 600) { // Blob method faster for large strings return (new Blob([str])).size; } else { return str.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007F]/g, _utf8Replace).length; } } /** * Light EventEmitter. Ported from Node.js/events.js * Eric Zhang */ /** * EventEmitter class * Creates an object with event registering and firing methods */ function EventEmitter() { // Initialise required storage variables this._events = {}; } var isArray = Array.isArray; EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener, scope, once) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('addListener only takes instances of Function'); } // To avoid recursion in the case that type == "newListeners"! Before // adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListeners". this.emit('newListener', type, typeof listener.listener === 'function' ? listener.listener : listener); if (!this._events[type]) { // Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object. this._events[type] = listener; } else if (isArray(this._events[type])) { // If we've already got an array, just append. this._events[type].push(listener); } else { // Adding the second element, need to change to array. this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener; EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener, scope) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('.once only takes instances of Function'); } var self = this; function g() { self.removeListener(type, g); listener.apply(this, arguments); }; g.listener = listener; self.on(type, g); return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener, scope) { if ('function' !== typeof listener) { throw new Error('removeListener only takes instances of Function'); } // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] if (!this._events[type]) return this; var list = this._events[type]; if (isArray(list)) { var position = -1; for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) { if (list[i] === listener || (list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) { position = i; break; } } if (position < 0) return this; list.splice(position, 1); if (list.length == 0) delete this._events[type]; } else if (list === listener || (list.listener && list.listener === listener)) { delete this._events[type]; } return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.off = EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener; EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) { if (arguments.length === 0) { this._events = {}; return this; } // does not use listeners(), so no side effect of creating _events[type] if (type && this._events && this._events[type]) this._events[type] = null; return this; }; EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) { if (!this._events[type]) this._events[type] = []; if (!isArray(this._events[type])) { this._events[type] = [this._events[type]]; } return this._events[type]; }; EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) { var type = arguments[0]; var handler = this._events[type]; if (!handler) return false; if (typeof handler == 'function') { switch (arguments.length) { // fast cases case 1: handler.call(this); break; case 2: handler.call(this, arguments[1]); break; case 3: handler.call(this, arguments[1], arguments[2]); break; // slower default: var l = arguments.length; var args = new Array(l - 1); for (var i = 1; i < l; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; handler.apply(this, args); } return true; } else if (isArray(handler)) { var l = arguments.length; var args = new Array(l - 1); for (var i = 1; i < l; i++) args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; var listeners = handler.slice(); for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) { listeners[i].apply(this, args); } return true; } else { return false; } }; /** * Reliable transfer for Chrome Canary DataChannel impl. * Author: @michellebu */ function Reliable(dc, debug) { if (!(this instanceof Reliable)) return new Reliable(dc); this._dc = dc; util.debug = debug; // Messages sent/received so far. // id: { ack: n, chunks: [...] } this._outgoing = {}; // id: { ack: ['ack', id, n], chunks: [...] } this._incoming = {}; this._received = {}; // Window size. this._window = 1000; // MTU. this._mtu = 500; // Interval for setInterval. In ms. this._interval = 0; // Messages sent. this._count = 0; // Outgoing message queue. this._queue = []; this._setupDC(); }; // Send a message reliably. Reliable.prototype.send = function(msg) { // Determine if chunking is necessary. var bl = util.pack(msg); if (bl.size < this._mtu) { this._handleSend(['no', bl]); return; } this._outgoing[this._count] = { ack: 0, chunks: this._chunk(bl) }; if (util.debug) { this._outgoing[this._count].timer = new Date(); } // Send prelim window. this._sendWindowedChunks(this._count); this._count += 1; }; // Set up interval for processing queue. Reliable.prototype._setupInterval = function() { // TODO: fail gracefully. var self = this; this._timeout = setInterval(function() { // FIXME: String stuff makes things terribly async. var msg = self._queue.shift(); if (msg._multiple) { for (var i = 0, ii = msg.length; i < ii; i += 1) { self._intervalSend(msg[i]); } } else { self._intervalSend(msg); } }, this._interval); }; Reliable.prototype._intervalSend = function(msg) { var self = this; msg = util.pack(msg); util.blobToBinaryString(msg, function(str) { self._dc.send(str); }); if (self._queue.length === 0) { clearTimeout(self._timeout); self._timeout = null; //self._processAcks(); } }; // Go through ACKs to send missing pieces. Reliable.prototype._processAcks = function() { for (var id in this._outgoing) { if (this._outgoing.hasOwnProperty(id)) { this._sendWindowedChunks(id); } } }; // Handle sending a message. // FIXME: Don't wait for interval time for all messages... Reliable.prototype._handleSend = function(msg) { var push = true; for (var i = 0, ii = this._queue.length; i < ii; i += 1) { var item = this._queue[i]; if (item === msg) { push = false; } else if (item._multiple && item.indexOf(msg) !== -1) { push = false; } } if (push) { this._queue.push(msg); if (!this._timeout) { this._setupInterval(); } } }; // Set up DataChannel handlers. Reliable.prototype._setupDC = function() { // Handle various message types. var self = this; this._dc.onmessage = function(e) { var msg = e.data; var datatype = msg.constructor; // FIXME: msg is String until binary is supported. // Once that happens, this will have to be smarter. if (datatype === String) { var ab = util.binaryStringToArrayBuffer(msg); msg = util.unpack(ab); self._handleMessage(msg); } }; }; // Handles an incoming message. Reliable.prototype._handleMessage = function(msg) { var id = msg[1]; var idata = this._incoming[id]; var odata = this._outgoing[id]; var data; switch (msg[0]) { // No chunking was done. case 'no': var message = id; if (!!message) { this.onmessage(util.unpack(message)); } break; // Reached the end of the message. case 'end': data = idata; // In case end comes first. this._received[id] = msg[2]; if (!data) { break; } this._ack(id); break; case 'ack': data = odata; if (!!data) { var ack = msg[2]; // Take the larger ACK, for out of order messages. data.ack = Math.max(ack, data.ack); // Clean up when all chunks are ACKed. if (data.ack >= data.chunks.length) { util.log('Time: ', new Date() - data.timer); delete this._outgoing[id]; } else { this._processAcks(); } } // If !data, just ignore. break; // Received a chunk of data. case 'chunk': // Create a new entry if none exists. data = idata; if (!data) { var end = this._received[id]; if (end === true) { break; } data = { ack: ['ack', id, 0], chunks: [] }; this._incoming[id] = data; } var n = msg[2]; var chunk = msg[3]; data.chunks[n] = new Uint8Array(chunk); // If we get the chunk we're looking for, ACK for next missing. // Otherwise, ACK the same N again. if (n === data.ack[2]) { this._calculateNextAck(id); } this._ack(id); break; default: // Shouldn't happen, but would make sense for message to just go // through as is. this._handleSend(msg); break; } }; // Chunks BL into smaller messages. Reliable.prototype._chunk = function(bl) { var chunks = []; var size = bl.size; var start = 0; while (start < size) { var end = Math.min(size, start + this._mtu); var b = bl.slice(start, end); var chunk = { payload: b } chunks.push(chunk); start = end; } util.log('Created', chunks.length, 'chunks.'); return chunks; }; // Sends ACK N, expecting Nth blob chunk for message ID. Reliable.prototype._ack = function(id) { var ack = this._incoming[id].ack; // if ack is the end value, then call _complete. if (this._received[id] === ack[2]) { this._complete(id); this._received[id] = true; } this._handleSend(ack); }; // Calculates the next ACK number, given chunks. Reliable.prototype._calculateNextAck = function(id) { var data = this._incoming[id]; var chunks = data.chunks; for (var i = 0, ii = chunks.length; i < ii; i += 1) { // This chunk is missing!!! Better ACK for it. if (chunks[i] === undefined) { data.ack[2] = i; return; } } data.ack[2] = chunks.length; }; // Sends the next window of chunks. Reliable.prototype._sendWindowedChunks = function(id) { util.log('sendWindowedChunks for: ', id); var data = this._outgoing[id]; var ch = data.chunks; var chunks = []; var limit = Math.min(data.ack + this._window, ch.length); for (var i = data.ack; i < limit; i += 1) { if (!ch[i].sent || i === data.ack) { ch[i].sent = true; chunks.push(['chunk', id, i, ch[i].payload]); } } if (data.ack + this._window >= ch.length) { chunks.push(['end', id, ch.length]) } chunks._multiple = true; this._handleSend(chunks); }; // Puts together a message from chunks. Reliable.prototype._complete = function(id) { util.log('Completed called for', id); var self = this; var chunks = this._incoming[id].chunks; var bl = new Blob(chunks); util.blobToArrayBuffer(bl, function(ab) { self.onmessage(util.unpack(ab)); }); delete this._incoming[id]; }; // Ups bandwidth limit on SDP. Meant to be called during offer/answer. Reliable.higherBandwidthSDP = function(sdp) { // AS stands for Application-Specific Maximum. // Bandwidth number is in kilobits / sec. // See RFC for more info: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2327.txt // Chrome 31+ doesn't want us munging the SDP, so we'll let them have their // way. var version = navigator.appVersion.match(/Chrome\/(.*?) /); if (version) { version = parseInt(version[1].split('.').shift()); if (version < 31) { var parts = sdp.split('b=AS:30'); var replace = 'b=AS:102400'; // 100 Mbps if (parts.length > 1) { return parts[0] + replace + parts[1]; } } } return sdp; }; // Overwritten, typically. Reliable.prototype.onmessage = function(msg) {}; exports.Reliable = Reliable; exports.RTCSessionDescription = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription; exports.RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; exports.RTCIceCandidate = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate; var defaultConfig = {'iceServers': [{ 'url': 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' }]}; var dataCount = 1; var util = { noop: function() {}, CLOUD_HOST: '0.peerjs.com', CLOUD_PORT: 9000, // Browsers that need chunking: chunkedBrowsers: {'Chrome': 1}, chunkedMTU: 16300, // The original 60000 bytes setting does not work when sending data from Firefox to Chrome, which is "cut off" after 16384 bytes and delivered individually. // Logging logic logLevel: 0, setLogLevel: function(level) { var debugLevel = parseInt(level, 10); if (!isNaN(parseInt(level, 10))) { util.logLevel = debugLevel; } else { // If they are using truthy/falsy values for debug util.logLevel = level ? 3 : 0; } util.log = util.warn = util.error = util.noop; if (util.logLevel > 0) { util.error = util._printWith('ERROR'); } if (util.logLevel > 1) { util.warn = util._printWith('WARNING'); } if (util.logLevel > 2) { util.log = util._print; } }, setLogFunction: function(fn) { if (fn.constructor !== Function) { util.warn('The log function you passed in is not a function. Defaulting to regular logs.'); } else { util._print = fn; } }, _printWith: function(prefix) { return function() { var copy = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); copy.unshift(prefix); util._print.apply(util, copy); }; }, _print: function () { var err = false; var copy = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); copy.unshift('PeerJS: '); for (var i = 0, l = copy.length; i < l; i++){ if (copy[i] instanceof Error) { copy[i] = '(' + copy[i].name + ') ' + copy[i].message; err = true; } } err ? console.error.apply(console, copy) : console.log.apply(console, copy); }, // // Returns browser-agnostic default config defaultConfig: defaultConfig, // // Returns the current browser. browser: (function() { if (window.mozRTCPeerConnection) { return 'Firefox'; } else if (window.webkitRTCPeerConnection) { return 'Chrome'; } else if (window.RTCPeerConnection) { return 'Supported'; } else { return 'Unsupported'; } })(), // // Lists which features are supported supports: (function() { if (typeof RTCPeerConnection === 'undefined') { return {}; } var data = true; var audioVideo = true; var binaryBlob = false; var sctp = false; var onnegotiationneeded = !!window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; var pc, dc; try { pc = new RTCPeerConnection(defaultConfig, {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]}); } catch (e) { data = false; audioVideo = false; } if (data) { try { dc = pc.createDataChannel('_PEERJSTEST'); } catch (e) { data = false; } } if (data) { // Binary test try { dc.binaryType = 'blob'; binaryBlob = true; } catch (e) { } // Reliable test. // Unfortunately Chrome is a bit unreliable about whether or not they // support reliable. var reliablePC = new RTCPeerConnection(defaultConfig, {}); try { var reliableDC = reliablePC.createDataChannel('_PEERJSRELIABLETEST', {}); sctp = reliableDC.reliable; } catch (e) { } reliablePC.close(); } // FIXME: not really the best check... if (audioVideo) { audioVideo = !!pc.addStream; } // FIXME: this is not great because in theory it doesn't work for // av-only browsers (?). if (!onnegotiationneeded && data) { // sync default check. var negotiationPC = new RTCPeerConnection(defaultConfig, {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]}); negotiationPC.onnegotiationneeded = function() { onnegotiationneeded = true; // async check. if (util && util.supports) { util.supports.onnegotiationneeded = true; } }; var negotiationDC = negotiationPC.createDataChannel('_PEERJSNEGOTIATIONTEST'); setTimeout(function() { negotiationPC.close(); }, 1000); } if (pc) { pc.close(); } return { audioVideo: audioVideo, data: data, binaryBlob: binaryBlob, binary: sctp, // deprecated; sctp implies binary support. reliable: sctp, // deprecated; sctp implies reliable data. sctp: sctp, onnegotiationneeded: onnegotiationneeded }; }()), // // Ensure alphanumeric ids validateId: function(id) { // Allow empty ids return !id || /^[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[ _-][A-Za-z0-9]+)*$/.exec(id); }, validateKey: function(key) { // Allow empty keys return !key || /^[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[ _-][A-Za-z0-9]+)*$/.exec(key); }, debug: false, inherits: function(ctor, superCtor) { ctor.super_ = superCtor; ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, { constructor: { value: ctor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); }, extend: function(dest, source) { for(var key in source) { if(source.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dest[key] = source[key]; } } return dest; }, pack: BinaryPack.pack, unpack: BinaryPack.unpack, log: function () { if (util.debug) { var err = false; var copy = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); copy.unshift('PeerJS: '); for (var i = 0, l = copy.length; i < l; i++){ if (copy[i] instanceof Error) { copy[i] = '(' + copy[i].name + ') ' + copy[i].message; err = true; } } err ? console.error.apply(console, copy) : console.log.apply(console, copy); } }, setZeroTimeout: (function(global) { var timeouts = []; var messageName = 'zero-timeout-message'; // Like setTimeout, but only takes a function argument. There's // no time argument (always zero) and no arguments (you have to // use a closure). function setZeroTimeoutPostMessage(fn) { timeouts.push(fn); global.postMessage(messageName, '*'); } function handleMessage(event) { if (event.source == global && event.data == messageName) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } if (timeouts.length) { timeouts.shift()(); } } } if (global.addEventListener) { global.addEventListener('message', handleMessage, true); } else if (global.attachEvent) { global.attachEvent('onmessage', handleMessage); } return setZeroTimeoutPostMessage; }(this)), // Binary stuff // chunks a blob. chunk: function(bl) { var chunks = []; var size = bl.size; var start = index = 0; var total = Math.ceil(size / util.chunkedMTU); while (start < size) { var end = Math.min(size, start + util.chunkedMTU); var b = bl.slice(start, end); var chunk = { __peerData: dataCount, n: index, data: b, total: total }; chunks.push(chunk); start = end; index += 1; } dataCount += 1; return chunks; }, blobToArrayBuffer: function(blob, cb){ var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function(evt) { cb(evt.target.result); }; fr.readAsArrayBuffer(blob); }, blobToBinaryString: function(blob, cb){ var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = function(evt) { cb(evt.target.result); }; fr.readAsBinaryString(blob); }, binaryStringToArrayBuffer: function(binary) { var byteArray = new Uint8Array(binary.length); for (var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) { byteArray[i] = binary.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; } return byteArray.buffer; }, randomToken: function () { return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2); }, // isSecure: function() { return location.protocol === 'https:'; } }; exports.util = util; /** * A peer who can initiate connections with other peers. */ function Peer(id, options) { if (!(this instanceof Peer)) return new Peer(id, options); EventEmitter.call(this); // Deal with overloading if (id && id.constructor == Object) { options = id; id = undefined; } else if (id) { // Ensure id is a string id = id.toString(); } // // Configurize options options = util.extend({ debug: 0, // 1: Errors, 2: Warnings, 3: All logs host: util.CLOUD_HOST, port: util.CLOUD_PORT, key: 'peerjs', path: '/', token: util.randomToken(), config: util.defaultConfig }, options); this.options = options; // Detect relative URL host. if (options.host === '/') { options.host = window.location.hostname; } // Set path correctly. if (options.path[0] !== '/') { options.path = '/' + options.path; } if (options.path[options.path.length - 1] !== '/') { options.path += '/'; } // Set whether we use SSL to same as current host if (options.secure === undefined && options.host !== util.CLOUD_HOST) { options.secure = util.isSecure(); } // Set a custom log function if present if (options.logFunction) { util.setLogFunction(options.logFunction); } util.setLogLevel(options.debug); // // Sanity checks // Ensure WebRTC supported if (!util.supports.audioVideo && !util.supports.data ) { this._delayedAbort('browser-incompatible', 'The current browser does not support WebRTC'); return; } // Ensure alphanumeric id if (!util.validateId(id)) { this._delayedAbort('invalid-id', 'ID "' + id + '" is invalid'); return; } // Ensure valid key if (!util.validateKey(options.key)) { this._delayedAbort('invalid-key', 'API KEY "' + options.key + '" is invalid'); return; } // Ensure not using unsecure cloud server on SSL page if (options.secure && options.host === '0.peerjs.com') { this._delayedAbort('ssl-unavailable', 'The cloud server currently does not support HTTPS. Please run your own PeerServer to use HTTPS.'); return; } // // States. this.destroyed = false; // Connections have been killed this.disconnected = false; // Connection to PeerServer killed but P2P connections still active this.open = false; // Sockets and such are not yet open. // // References this.connections = {}; // DataConnections for this peer. this._lostMessages = {}; // src => [list of messages] // // Start the server connection this._initializeServerConnection(); if (id) { this._initialize(id); } else { this._retrieveId(); } // }; util.inherits(Peer, EventEmitter); // Initialize the 'socket' (which is actually a mix of XHR streaming and // websockets.) Peer.prototype._initializeServerConnection = function() { var self = this; this.socket = new Socket(this.options.secure, this.options.host, this.options.port, this.options.path, this.options.key); this.socket.on('message', function(data) { self._handleMessage(data); }); this.socket.on('error', function(error) { self._abort('socket-error', error); }); this.socket.on('disconnected', function() { // If we haven't explicitly disconnected, emit error and disconnect. if (!self.disconnected) { //self.emitError('network', 'Lost connection to server.') //self.disconnect(); } }); this.socket.on('close', function() { // If we haven't explicitly disconnected, emit error. if (!self.disconnected) { self._abort('socket-closed', 'Underlying socket is already closed.'); } }); }; /** Get a unique ID from the server via XHR. */ Peer.prototype._retrieveId = function(cb) { var self = this; var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var protocol = this.options.secure ? 'https://' : 'http://'; var url = protocol + this.options.host + ':' + this.options.port + this.options.path + this.options.key + '/id'; var queryString = '?ts=' + new Date().getTime() + '' + Math.random(); url += queryString; // If there's no ID we need to wait for one before trying to init socket. http.open('get', url, true); http.onerror = function(e) { util.error('Error retrieving ID', e); var pathError = ''; if (self.options.path === '/' && self.options.host !== util.CLOUD_HOST) { pathError = ' If you passed in a `path` to your self-hosted PeerServer, ' + 'you\'ll also need to pass in that same path when creating a new' + ' Peer.'; } self._abort('server-error', 'Could not get an ID from the server.' + pathError); } http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (http.status !== 200) { http.onerror(); return; } self._initialize(http.responseText); }; http.send(null); }; /** Initialize a connection with the server. */ Peer.prototype._initialize = function(id) { this.id = id; this.socket.start(this.id, this.options.token); } /** Handles messages from the server. */ Peer.prototype._handleMessage = function(message) { var type = message.type; var payload = message.payload; var peer = message.src; switch (type) { case 'OPEN': // The connection to the server is open. this.emit('open', this.id); this.open = true; break; case 'ERROR': // Server error. this._abort('server-error', payload.msg); break; case 'ID-TAKEN': // The selected ID is taken. this._abort('unavailable-id', 'ID `' + this.id + '` is taken'); break; case 'INVALID-KEY': // The given API key cannot be found. this._abort('invalid-key', 'API KEY "' + this.options.key + '" is invalid'); break; // case 'LEAVE': // Another peer has closed its connection to this peer. util.log('Received leave message from', peer); this._cleanupPeer(peer); break; case 'EXPIRE': // The offer sent to a peer has expired without response. this.emitError('peer-unavailable', 'Could not connect to peer ' + peer); break; case 'OFFER': // we should consider switching this to CALL/CONNECT, but this is the least breaking option. var connectionId = payload.connectionId; var connection = this.getConnection(peer, connectionId); if (connection) { util.warn('Offer received for existing Connection ID:', connectionId); //connection.handleMessage(message); } else { // Create a new connection. if (payload.type === 'media') { var connection = new MediaConnection(peer, this, { connectionId: connectionId, _payload: payload, metadata: payload.metadata }); this._addConnection(peer, connection); this.emit('call', connection); } else if (payload.type === 'data') { connection = new DataConnection(peer, this, { connectionId: connectionId, _payload: payload, metadata: payload.metadata, label: payload.label, serialization: payload.serialization, reliable: payload.reliable }); this._addConnection(peer, connection); this.emit('connection', connection); } else { util.warn('Received malformed connection type:', payload.type); return; } // Find messages. var messages = this._getMessages(connectionId); for (var i = 0, ii = messages.length; i < ii; i += 1) { connection.handleMessage(messages[i]); } } break; default: if (!payload) { util.warn('You received a malformed message from ' + peer + ' of type ' + type); return; } var id = payload.connectionId; var connection = this.getConnection(peer, id); if (connection && connection.pc) { // Pass it on. connection.handleMessage(message); } else if (id) { // Store for possible later use this._storeMessage(id, message); } else { util.warn('You received an unrecognized message:', message); } break; } } /** Stores messages without a set up connection, to be claimed later. */ Peer.prototype._storeMessage = function(connectionId, message) { if (!this._lostMessages[connectionId]) { this._lostMessages[connectionId] = []; } this._lostMessages[connectionId].push(message); } /** Retrieve messages from lost message store */ Peer.prototype._getMessages = function(connectionId) { var messages = this._lostMessages[connectionId]; if (messages) { delete this._lostMessages[connectionId]; return messages; } else { return []; } } /** * Returns a DataConnection to the specified peer. See documentation for a * complete list of options. */ Peer.prototype.connect = function(peer, options) { if (this.disconnected) { util.warn('You cannot connect to a new host because you called ' + '.disconnect() on this and ended your connection with the' + ' server. You can create a new connection to reconnect, or call reconnect' + ' on this peer if you believe its ID to still be available.'); this.emitError('disconnected', 'Cannot connect to new host after disconnecting from server.'); return; } var connection = new DataConnection(peer, this, options); this._addConnection(peer, connection); return connection; } /** * Returns a MediaConnection to the specified peer. See documentation for a * complete list of options. */ Peer.prototype.call = function(peer, stream, options) { if (this.disconnected) { util.warn('You cannot connect to a new host because you called ' + '.disconnect() on this host and ended your connection with the' + ' server. You can create a new host to reconnect.'); this.emitError('disconnected', 'Cannot connect to new host after disconnecting from server.'); return; } if (!stream) { util.error('To call a host, you must provide a stream from your browser\'s `getUserMedia`.'); return; } options = options || {}; options._stream = stream; var call = new MediaConnection(peer, this, options); this._addConnection(peer, call); return call; } /** Add a data/media connection to this peer. */ Peer.prototype._addConnection = function(peer, connection) { if (!this.connections[peer]) { this.connections[peer] = []; } this.connections[peer].push(connection); } /** Retrieve a data/media connection for this peer. */ Peer.prototype.getConnection = function(peer, id) { var connections = this.connections[peer]; if (!connections) { return null; } for (var i = 0, ii = connections.length; i < ii; i++) { if (connections[i].id === id) { return connections[i]; } } return null; } Peer.prototype._delayedAbort = function(type, message) { var self = this; util.setZeroTimeout(function(){ self._abort(type, message); }); } /** * Destroys the Peer and emits an error message. * The Peer is not destroyed if it's in a disconnected state, in which case * it retains its disconnected state and its existing connections. */ Peer.prototype._abort = function(type, message) { util.error('Aborting!'); if (!this._lastServerId) { this.destroy(); } else { this.disconnect(); } this.emitError(type, message); }; /** Emits a typed error message. */ Peer.prototype.emitError = function(type, err) { util.error('Error:', err); if (typeof err === 'string') { err = new Error(err); } err.type = type; this.emit('error', err); }; /** * Destroys the Peer: closes all active connections as well as the connection * to the server. * Warning: The peer can no longer create or accept connections after being * destroyed. */ Peer.prototype.destroy = function() { if (!this.destroyed) { this._cleanup(); this.disconnect(); this.destroyed = true; } } /** Disconnects every connection on this peer. */ Peer.prototype._cleanup = function() { if (this.connections) { var peers = Object.keys(this.connections); for (var i = 0, ii = peers.length; i < ii; i++) { this._cleanupPeer(peers[i]); } } this.emit('close'); } /** Closes all connections to this peer. */ Peer.prototype._cleanupPeer = function(peer) { var connections = this.connections[peer]; for (var j = 0, jj = connections.length; j < jj; j += 1) { connections[j].close(); } } /** * Disconnects the Peer's connection to the PeerServer. Does not close any * active connections. * Warning: The peer can no longer create or accept connections after being * disconnected. It also cannot reconnect to the server. */ Peer.prototype.disconnect = function() { var self = this; util.setZeroTimeout(function(){ if (!self.disconnected) { self.disconnected = true; self.open = false; if (self.socket) { self.socket.close(); } self.emit('disconnected', self.id); self._lastServerId = self.id; self.id = null; } }); } /** Attempts to reconnect with the same ID. */ Peer.prototype.reconnect = function() { if (this.disconnected && !this.destroyed) { util.log('Attempting reconnection to server with ID ' + this._lastServerId); this.disconnected = false; this._initializeServerConnection(); this._initialize(this._lastServerId); } else if (this.destroyed) { throw new Error('This peer cannot reconnect to the server. It has already been destroyed.'); } else if (!this.disconnected && !this.open) { // Do nothing. We're still connecting the first time. util.error('In a hurry? We\'re still trying to make the initial connection!'); } else { throw new Error('Peer ' + this.id + ' cannot reconnect because it is not disconnected from the server!'); } }; /** * Get a list of available peer IDs. If you're running your own server, you'll * want to set allow_discovery: true in the PeerServer options. If you're using * the cloud server, email team@peerjs.com to get the functionality enabled for * your key. */ Peer.prototype.listAllPeers = function(cb) { cb = cb || function() {}; var self = this; var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var protocol = this.options.secure ? 'https://' : 'http://'; var url = protocol + this.options.host + ':' + this.options.port + this.options.path + this.options.key + '/peers'; var queryString = '?ts=' + new Date().getTime() + '' + Math.random(); url += queryString; // If there's no ID we need to wait for one before trying to init socket. http.open('get', url, true); http.onerror = function(e) { self._abort('server-error', 'Could not get peers from the server.'); cb([]); } http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (http.status === 401) { var helpfulError = ''; if (self.options.host !== util.CLOUD_HOST) { helpfulError = 'It looks like you\'re using the cloud server. You can email ' + 'team@peerjs.com to enable peer listing for your API key.'; } else { helpfulError = 'You need to enable `allow_discovery` on your self-hosted' + ' PeerServer to use this feature.'; } throw new Error('It doesn\'t look like you have permission to list peers IDs. ' + helpfulError); cb([]); } else if (http.status !== 200) { cb([]); } else { cb(JSON.parse(http.responseText)); } }; http.send(null); } exports.Peer = Peer; /** * Wraps a DataChannel between two Peers. */ function DataConnection(peer, provider, options) { if (!(this instanceof DataConnection)) return new DataConnection(peer, provider, options); EventEmitter.call(this); this.options = util.extend({ serialization: 'binary', reliable: false }, options); // Connection is not open yet. this.open = false; this.type = 'data'; this.peer = peer; this.provider = provider; this.id = this.options.connectionId || DataConnection._idPrefix + util.randomToken(); this.label = this.options.label || this.id; this.metadata = this.options.metadata; this.serialization = this.options.serialization; this.reliable = this.options.reliable; // Data channel buffering. this._buffer = []; this._buffering = false; this.bufferSize = 0; // For storing large data. this._chunkedData = {}; if (this.options._payload) { this._peerBrowser = this.options._payload.browser; } Negotiator.startConnection( this, this.options._payload || { originator: true } ); } util.inherits(DataConnection, EventEmitter); DataConnection._idPrefix = 'dc_'; /** Called by the Negotiator when the DataChannel is ready. */ DataConnection.prototype.initialize = function(dc) { this._dc = this.dataChannel = dc; this._configureDataChannel(); } DataConnection.prototype._configureDataChannel = function() { var self = this; if (util.supports.sctp) { this._dc.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; } this._dc.onopen = function() { util.log('Data channel connection success'); self.open = true; self.emit('open'); } // Use the Reliable shim for non Firefox browsers if (!util.supports.sctp && this.reliable) { this._reliable = new Reliable(this._dc, util.debug); } if (this._reliable) { this._reliable.onmessage = function(msg) { self.emit('data', msg); }; } else { this._dc.onmessage = function(e) { self._handleDataMessage(e); }; } this._dc.onclose = function(e) { util.log('DataChannel closed for:', self.peer); self.close(); }; } // Handles a DataChannel message. DataConnection.prototype._handleDataMessage = function(e) { var self = this; var data = e.data; var datatype = data.constructor; if (this.serialization === 'binary' || this.serialization === 'binary-utf8') { if (datatype === Blob) { // Datatype should never be blob util.blobToArrayBuffer(data, function(ab) { data = util.unpack(ab); self.emit('data', data); }); return; } else if (datatype === ArrayBuffer) { data = util.unpack(data); } else if (datatype === String) { // String fallback for binary data for browsers that don't support binary yet var ab = util.binaryStringToArrayBuffer(data); data = util.unpack(ab); } } else if (this.serialization === 'json') { data = JSON.parse(data); } // Check if we've chunked--if so, piece things back together. // We're guaranteed that this isn't 0. if (data.__peerData) { var id = data.__peerData; var chunkInfo = this._chunkedData[id] || {data: [], count: 0, total: data.total}; chunkInfo.data[data.n] = data.data; chunkInfo.count += 1; if (chunkInfo.total === chunkInfo.count) { // Clean up before making the recursive call to `_handleDataMessage`. delete this._chunkedData[id]; // We've received all the chunks--time to construct the complete data. data = new Blob(chunkInfo.data); this._handleDataMessage({data: data}); } this._chunkedData[id] = chunkInfo; return; } this.emit('data', data); } /** * Exposed functionality for users. */ /** Allows user to close connection. */ DataConnection.prototype.close = function() { if (!this.open) { return; } this.open = false; Negotiator.cleanup(this); this.emit('close'); } /** Allows user to send data. */ DataConnection.prototype.send = function(data, chunked) { if (!this.open) { this.emit('error', new Error('Connection is not open. You should listen for the `open` event before sending messages.')); return; } if (this._reliable) { // Note: reliable shim sending will make it so that you cannot customize // serialization. this._reliable.send(data); return; } var self = this; if (this.serialization === 'json') { this._bufferedSend(JSON.stringify(data)); } else if (this.serialization === 'binary' || this.serialization === 'binary-utf8') { var blob = util.pack(data); // For Chrome-Firefox interoperability, we need to make Firefox "chunk" // the data it sends out. var needsChunking = util.chunkedBrowsers[this._peerBrowser] || util.chunkedBrowsers[util.browser]; if (needsChunking && !chunked && blob.size > util.chunkedMTU) { this._sendChunks(blob); return; } // DataChannel currently only supports strings. if (!util.supports.sctp) { util.blobToBinaryString(blob, function(str) { self._bufferedSend(str); }); } else if (!util.supports.binaryBlob) { // We only do this if we really need to (e.g. blobs are not supported), // because this conversion is costly. util.blobToArrayBuffer(blob, function(ab) { self._bufferedSend(ab); }); } else { this._bufferedSend(blob); } } else { this._bufferedSend(data); } } DataConnection.prototype._bufferedSend = function(msg) { if (this._buffering || !this._trySend(msg)) { this._buffer.push(msg); this.bufferSize = this._buffer.length; } } // Returns true if the send succeeds. DataConnection.prototype._trySend = function(msg) { try { this._dc.send(msg); } catch (e) { this._buffering = true; var self = this; setTimeout(function() { // Try again. self._buffering = false; self._tryBuffer(); }, 100); return false; } return true; } // Try to send the first message in the buffer. DataConnection.prototype._tryBuffer = function() { if (this._buffer.length === 0) { return; } var msg = this._buffer[0]; if (this._trySend(msg)) { this._buffer.shift(); this.bufferSize = this._buffer.length; this._tryBuffer(); } } DataConnection.prototype._sendChunks = function(blob) { var blobs = util.chunk(blob); for (var i = 0, ii = blobs.length; i < ii; i += 1) { var blob = blobs[i]; this.send(blob, true); } } DataConnection.prototype.handleMessage = function(message) { var payload = message.payload; switch (message.type) { case 'ANSWER': this._peerBrowser = payload.browser; // Forward to negotiator Negotiator.handleSDP(message.type, this, payload.sdp); break; case 'CANDIDATE': Negotiator.handleCandidate(this, payload.candidate); break; default: util.warn('Unrecognized message type:', message.type, 'from peer:', this.peer); break; } } /** * Wraps the streaming interface between two Peers. */ function MediaConnection(peer, provider, options) { if (!(this instanceof MediaConnection)) return new MediaConnection(peer, provider, options); EventEmitter.call(this); this.options = util.extend({}, options); this.open = false; this.type = 'media'; this.peer = peer; this.provider = provider; this.metadata = this.options.metadata; this.localStream = this.options._stream; this.id = this.options.connectionId || MediaConnection._idPrefix + util.randomToken(); if (this.localStream) { Negotiator.startConnection( this, {_stream: this.localStream, originator: true} ); } }; util.inherits(MediaConnection, EventEmitter); MediaConnection._idPrefix = 'mc_'; MediaConnection.prototype.addStream = function(remoteStream) { util.log('Receiving stream', remoteStream); this.remoteStream = remoteStream; this.emit('stream', remoteStream); // Should we call this `open`? }; MediaConnection.prototype.handleMessage = function(message) { var payload = message.payload; switch (message.type) { case 'ANSWER': // Forward to negotiator Negotiator.handleSDP(message.type, this, payload.sdp); this.open = true; break; case 'CANDIDATE': Negotiator.handleCandidate(this, payload.candidate); break; default: util.warn('Unrecognized message type:', message.type, 'from peer:', this.peer); break; } } MediaConnection.prototype.answer = function(stream) { if (this.localStream) { util.warn('Local stream already exists on this MediaConnection. Are you answering a call twice?'); return; } this.options._payload._stream = stream; this.localStream = stream; Negotiator.startConnection( this, this.options._payload ) // Retrieve lost messages stored because PeerConnection not set up. var messages = this.provider._getMessages(this.id); for (var i = 0, ii = messages.length; i < ii; i += 1) { this.handleMessage(messages[i]); } this.open = true; }; /** * Exposed functionality for users. */ /** Allows user to close connection. */ MediaConnection.prototype.close = function() { if (!this.open) { return; } this.open = false; Negotiator.cleanup(this); this.emit('close') }; /** * Manages all negotiations between Peers. */ var Negotiator = { pcs: { data: {}, media: {} }, // type => {peerId: {pc_id: pc}}. //providers: {}, // provider's id => providers (there may be multiple providers/client. queue: [] // connections that are delayed due to a PC being in use. } Negotiator._idPrefix = 'pc_'; /** Returns a PeerConnection object set up correctly (for data, media). */ Negotiator.startConnection = function(connection, options) { var pc = Negotiator._getPeerConnection(connection, options); if (connection.type === 'media' && options._stream) { // Add the stream. pc.addStream(options._stream); } // Set the connection's PC. connection.pc = connection.peerConnection = pc; // What do we need to do now? if (options.originator) { if (connection.type === 'data') { // Create the datachannel. var config = {}; // Dropping reliable:false support, since it seems to be crashing // Chrome. /*if (util.supports.sctp && !options.reliable) { // If we have canonical reliable support... config = {maxRetransmits: 0}; }*/ // Fallback to ensure older browsers don't crash. if (!util.supports.sctp) { config = {reliable: options.reliable}; } var dc = pc.createDataChannel(connection.label, config); connection.initialize(dc); } if (!util.supports.onnegotiationneeded) { Negotiator._makeOffer(connection); } } else { Negotiator.handleSDP('OFFER', connection, options.sdp); } } Negotiator._getPeerConnection = function(connection, options) { if (!Negotiator.pcs[connection.type]) { util.error(connection.type + ' is not a valid connection type. Maybe you overrode the `type` property somewhere.'); } if (!Negotiator.pcs[connection.type][connection.peer]) { Negotiator.pcs[connection.type][connection.peer] = {}; } var peerConnections = Negotiator.pcs[connection.type][connection.peer]; var pc; // Not multiplexing while FF and Chrome have not-great support for it. /*if (options.multiplex) { ids = Object.keys(peerConnections); for (var i = 0, ii = ids.length; i < ii; i += 1) { pc = peerConnections[ids[i]]; if (pc.signalingState === 'stable') { break; // We can go ahead and use this PC. } } } else */ if (options.pc) { // Simplest case: PC id already provided for us. pc = Negotiator.pcs[connection.type][connection.peer][options.pc]; } if (!pc || pc.signalingState !== 'stable') { pc = Negotiator._startPeerConnection(connection); } return pc; } /* Negotiator._addProvider = function(provider) { if ((!provider.id && !provider.disconnected) || !provider.socket.open) { // Wait for provider to obtain an ID. provider.on('open', function(id) { Negotiator._addProvider(provider); }); } else { Negotiator.providers[provider.id] = provider; } }*/ /** Start a PC. */ Negotiator._startPeerConnection = function(connection) { util.log('Creating RTCPeerConnection.'); var id = Negotiator._idPrefix + util.randomToken(); var optional = {}; if (connection.type === 'data' && !util.supports.sctp) { optional = {optional: [{RtpDataChannels: true}]}; } else if (connection.type === 'media') { // Interop req for chrome. optional = {optional: [{DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true}]}; } var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(connection.provider.options.config, optional); Negotiator.pcs[connection.type][connection.peer][id] = pc; Negotiator._setupListeners(connection, pc, id); return pc; } /** Set up various WebRTC listeners. */ Negotiator._setupListeners = function(connection, pc, pc_id) { var peerId = connection.peer; var connectionId = connection.id; var provider = connection.provider; // ICE CANDIDATES. util.log('Listening for ICE candidates.'); pc.onicecandidate = function(evt) { if (evt.candidate) { util.log('Received ICE candidates for:', connection.peer); provider.socket.send({ type: 'CANDIDATE', payload: { candidate: evt.candidate, type: connection.type, connectionId: connection.id }, dst: peerId }); } }; pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function() { switch (pc.iceConnectionState) { case 'disconnected': case 'failed': util.log('iceConnectionState is disconnected, closing connections to ' + peerId); connection.close(); break; case 'completed': pc.onicecandidate = util.noop; break; } }; // Fallback for older Chrome impls. pc.onicechange = pc.oniceconnectionstatechange; // ONNEGOTIATIONNEEDED (Chrome) util.log('Listening for `negotiationneeded`'); pc.onnegotiationneeded = function() { util.log('`negotiationneeded` triggered'); if (pc.signalingState == 'stable') { Negotiator._makeOffer(connection); } else { util.log('onnegotiationneeded triggered when not stable. Is another connection being established?'); } }; // DATACONNECTION. util.log('Listening for data channel'); // Fired between offer and answer, so options should already be saved // in the options hash. pc.ondatachannel = function(evt) { util.log('Received data channel'); var dc = evt.channel; var connection = provider.getConnection(peerId, connectionId); connection.initialize(dc); }; // MEDIACONNECTION. util.log('Listening for remote stream'); pc.onaddstream = function(evt) { util.log('Received remote stream'); var stream = evt.stream; provider.getConnection(peerId, connectionId).addStream(stream); }; } Negotiator.cleanup = function(connection) { util.log('Cleaning up PeerConnection to ' + connection.peer); var pc = connection.pc; if (!!pc && (pc.readyState !== 'closed' || pc.signalingState !== 'closed')) { pc.close(); connection.pc = null; } } Negotiator._makeOffer = function(connection) { var pc = connection.pc; pc.createOffer(function(offer) { util.log('Created offer.'); if (!util.supports.sctp && connection.type === 'data' && connection.reliable) { offer.sdp = Reliable.higherBandwidthSDP(offer.sdp); } pc.setLocalDescription(offer, function() { util.log('Set localDescription: offer', 'for:', connection.peer); connection.provider.socket.send({ type: 'OFFER', payload: { sdp: offer, type: connection.type, label: connection.label, connectionId: connection.id, reliable: connection.reliable, serialization: connection.serialization, metadata: connection.metadata, browser: util.browser }, dst: connection.peer }); }, function(err) { connection.provider.emitError('webrtc', err); util.log('Failed to setLocalDescription, ', err); }); }, function(err) { connection.provider.emitError('webrtc', err); util.log('Failed to createOffer, ', err); }, connection.options.constraints); } Negotiator._makeAnswer = function(connection) { var pc = connection.pc; pc.createAnswer(function(answer) { util.log('Created answer.'); if (!util.supports.sctp && connection.type === 'data' && connection.reliable) { answer.sdp = Reliable.higherBandwidthSDP(answer.sdp); } pc.setLocalDescription(answer, function() { util.log('Set localDescription: answer', 'for:', connection.peer); connection.provider.socket.send({ type: 'ANSWER', payload: { sdp: answer, type: connection.type, connectionId: connection.id, browser: util.browser }, dst: connection.peer }); }, function(err) { connection.provider.emitError('webrtc', err); util.log('Failed to setLocalDescription, ', err); }); }, function(err) { connection.provider.emitError('webrtc', err); util.log('Failed to create answer, ', err); }); } /** Handle an SDP. */ Negotiator.handleSDP = function(type, connection, sdp) { sdp = new RTCSessionDescription(sdp); var pc = connection.pc; util.log('Setting remote description', sdp); pc.setRemoteDescription(sdp, function() { util.log('Set remoteDescription:', type, 'for:', connection.peer); if (type === 'OFFER') { Negotiator._makeAnswer(connection); } }, function(err) { connection.provider.emitError('webrtc', err); util.log('Failed to setRemoteDescription, ', err); }); } /** Handle a candidate. */ Negotiator.handleCandidate = function(connection, ice) { var candidate = ice.candidate; var sdpMLineIndex = ice.sdpMLineIndex; connection.pc.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMLineIndex: sdpMLineIndex, candidate: candidate })); util.log('Added ICE candidate for:', connection.peer); } /** * An abstraction on top of WebSockets and XHR streaming to provide fastest * possible connection for peers. */ function Socket(secure, host, port, path, key) { if (!(this instanceof Socket)) return new Socket(secure, host, port, path, key); EventEmitter.call(this); // Disconnected manually. this.disconnected = false; this._queue = []; var httpProtocol = secure ? 'https://' : 'http://'; var wsProtocol = secure ? 'wss://' : 'ws://'; this._httpUrl = httpProtocol + host + ':' + port + path + key; this._wsUrl = wsProtocol + host + ':' + port + path + 'peerjs?key=' + key; } util.inherits(Socket, EventEmitter); /** Check in with ID or get one from server. */ Socket.prototype.start = function(id, token) { this.id = id; this._httpUrl += '/' + id + '/' + token; this._wsUrl += '&id=' + id + '&token=' + token; this._startXhrStream(); this._startWebSocket(); } /** Start up websocket communications. */ Socket.prototype._startWebSocket = function(id) { var self = this; if (this._socket) { return; } this._socket = new WebSocket(this._wsUrl); this._socket.onmessage = function(event) { try { var data = JSON.parse(event.data); self.emit('message', data); } catch(e) { util.log('Invalid server message', event.data); return; } }; this._socket.onclose = function(event) { util.log('Socket closed.'); self.disconnected = true; self.emit('disconnected'); }; // Take care of the queue of connections if necessary and make sure Peer knows // socket is open. this._socket.onopen = function() { if (self._timeout) { clearTimeout(self._timeout); setTimeout(function(){ self._http.abort(); self._http = null; }, 5000); } self._sendQueuedMessages(); util.log('Socket open'); }; } /** Start XHR streaming. */ Socket.prototype._startXhrStream = function(n) { try { var self = this; this._http = new XMLHttpRequest(); this._http._index = 1; this._http._streamIndex = n || 0; this._http.open('post', this._httpUrl + '/id?i=' + this._http._streamIndex, true); this._http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 2 && this.old) { this.old.abort(); delete this.old; } else if (this.readyState > 2 && this.status === 200 && this.responseText) { self._handleStream(this); } else if (this.status !== 200) { // If we get a different status code, likely something went wrong. // Stop streaming. clearTimeout(self._timeout); self.emit('disconnected'); } }; this._http.send(null); this._setHTTPTimeout(); } catch(e) { util.log('XMLHttpRequest not available; defaulting to WebSockets'); } } /** Handles onreadystatechange response as a stream. */ Socket.prototype._handleStream = function(http) { // 3 and 4 are loading/done state. All others are not relevant. var messages = http.responseText.split('\n'); // Check to see if anything needs to be processed on buffer. if (http._buffer) { while (http._buffer.length > 0) { var index = http._buffer.shift(); var bufferedMessage = messages[index]; try { bufferedMessage = JSON.parse(bufferedMessage); } catch(e) { http._buffer.shift(index); break; } this.emit('message', bufferedMessage); } } var message = messages[http._index]; if (message) { http._index += 1; // Buffering--this message is incomplete and we'll get to it next time. // This checks if the httpResponse ended in a `\n`, in which case the last // element of messages should be the empty string. if (http._index === messages.length) { if (!http._buffer) { http._buffer = []; } http._buffer.push(http._index - 1); } else { try { message = JSON.parse(message); } catch(e) { util.log('Invalid server message', message); return; } this.emit('message', message); } } } Socket.prototype._setHTTPTimeout = function() { var self = this; this._timeout = setTimeout(function() { var old = self._http; if (!self._wsOpen()) { self._startXhrStream(old._streamIndex + 1); self._http.old = old; } else { old.abort(); } }, 25000); } /** Is the websocket currently open? */ Socket.prototype._wsOpen = function() { return this._socket && this._socket.readyState == 1; } /** Send queued messages. */ Socket.prototype._sendQueuedMessages = function() { for (var i = 0, ii = this._queue.length; i < ii; i += 1) { this.send(this._queue[i]); } } /** Exposed send for DC & Peer. */ Socket.prototype.send = function(data) { if (this.disconnected) { return; } // If we didn't get an ID yet, we can't yet send anything so we should queue // up these messages. if (!this.id) { this._queue.push(data); return; } if (!data.type) { this.emit('error', 'Invalid message'); return; } var message = JSON.stringify(data); if (this._wsOpen()) { this._socket.send(message); } else { var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = this._httpUrl + '/' + data.type.toLowerCase(); http.open('post', url, true); http.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); http.send(message); } } Socket.prototype.close = function() { if (!this.disconnected && this._wsOpen()) { this._socket.close(); this.disconnected = true; } } })(this);