Edit File: rarfiles.lst
; File order list for solid archiving ; ; Here you may modify the file list which tells RAR the order in which ; to add files to a solid archive. ; ; This file may contain file names, wildcards and a special entry - $default. ; The default entry defines the position in the order list for files not ; matched with other entries in this file. Lines beginning with the semicolon ; symbol ';' are considered as comments and not processed. ; ; Place this file in the same directory as RAR.EXE. ; ; Tips to provide improved compression and speed of operation: ; ; - files containing similar information should be grouped together in the ; archive if possible; ; - frequently accessed files should be placed at the beginning. ; file_id.diz descript.ion read.* readme.* *.nfo *.doc *.txt *.htm *.html *.shtml *.css *.xsl *.xml *.js *.php *.lst *.log *.ini *.bat *.cmd *.h *.hpp *.c *.cpp *.java *.asm *.bas *.bak *.cue *.rtf *.hlp *.inf *.com *.exe *.dll *.ovr *.ovl *.obj *.lib *.sys *.drv *.bin *.bmp *.wav $default *.mp3 *.mp4 *.m4a *.mov *.avi *.wmv *.wma *.gif *.png *.jpg *.chm *.cab *.7z *.arj *.ha *.lzh *.rar *.zip *.gz *.bz2 *.xz *.fla *.flac *.ape