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=== WP Socializer === Contributors: vaakash Donate link: https://goo.gl/qMF3iE Tags: social, share, media, sharing, follow, profile, button, buttons, icons, links, count, counter, bookmark, widget, sidebar, post, posts, page, sharebar, promotion, marketing, plugin, follow buttons, share buttons, floating share buttons, profile buttons, mobile, mobile sharebar, profile icons, social plugins, share bar, social bar, share counter, vertical, horizontal, content, excerpt, description, widgets, shortcode, images, facebook, twitter, google, linkedin, pinterest, pocket, reddit, sharethis, stumbleupon, favorites, addthis, whatsapp, tweet, vkontakte, popup, socializer, messenger, wp socializer, cache, quote Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 4.7.3 Stable tag: 3.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Add attractive fully customizable social media share buttons, floating sharebar, follow us icons & mobile sharebar in posts, pages & widgets. == Description == [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50aJq223TB0] WP Socializer is an all in one complete social media plugin to add native social media buttons, icons, floating sharebar, follow us buttons, profile icons, mobile sharebar and selected text share popups easily with complete control and customization. It powers a drag & drop admin interface to create buttons with customization and options to selectively display buttons in the desired post and pages. [Live working Demo of the plugin](https://goo.gl/i2ZqUL) = Native social media buttons = > With WP Socializer plugin, you can add the native share buttons provided by leading social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Sharethis etc. Buttons settings can be changed inside the admin page itself. = Social media share icons = > Apart from native buttons, there are 45 high quality scalable social media icons which can also be added with desired icon size, shape, color, effects, share count, share text etc. to match the theme of the website. = Vertical & Horizontal floating sharebars = > With the plugin, we can also place floating sharebars either vertically or horizontally which can either be move or be fixed with selectable themes and colors. The sharebar is open to place any desired button or icons in it with no restriction. = Conditional display = > Social buttons can be placed conditionally by creating rules which allows it to display only on the desired posts. There is a wide selection of rules which gives complete control on where to display what kind of buttons. = Share counter = > WP Socializer also supports share counter for Facebook, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Google Plus and Pinterest. Share counter can be either displayed individually over icons or as a total count like in popular news sites. = Follow us icons & selected text sharebar = > There is also support for follow us / profile icons which can placed in widget or near the sides of the window. In addition to this, popups can also be added to share selected text which allows visitors to share the quoted text. = Highly optimized for faster page loads = > WP Socializer loads webpages faster since scripts required by buttons are loaded only once and also when necessary. This increases the page load faster even when multiple buttons are used in the same page. = Widgets = > WP Socializer also supports widgets like Twitter timeline, Facebook page, Google+ Badge, follow us widget and all the native social media buttons. = Support for Shortcodes = > There is also support for shortcodes with which social media buttons can be placed anywhere in posts and even in themes directly. = Add social buttons in themes easily = > Social buttons can be placed directly in themes easily. Please refer the youtube playlist below to check out how it can be done. = More links = * [FAQs](https://goo.gl/Ge7riC) * [Support Forum](https://goo.gl/BXkcjA) * [Homepage](https://goo.gl/u8Zf09) * [Donate](https://goo.gl/qMF3iE) * [Submit translation](https://goo.gl/BXkcjA) * [YouTube demo videos](https://goo.gl/4jZJji) * [Live Demo](https://goo.gl/i2ZqUL) == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/wp-socializer` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress 1. Use the Settings->WP Socializer screen to configure the plugin == Frequently Asked Questions == = Why are the share buttons not aligned properly ? = Share buttons are aligned using CSS. This alignment can sometimes be disturbed by the active theme used. This can be corrected by CSS. Please refer [this image](https://goo.gl/Ge7riC#css-classes) for the list of CSS classes used by plugin to modify it or else please post your issue in the [support forum](https://goo.gl/BXkcjA) I'll try my best to give a quick CSS fix for the misalignment. = Share buttons are not displayed in the page ! = Share buttons or other feature may be hidden if the option "Hide in all pages" option is selected in "Conditions to display" section. Please select "Show in all pages" option to display the buttons. If the buttons are still not displayed, please raise an issue in the Support forum. = How to disable a feature in specific page alone ? = WP Socializer has a feature called "conditional display" where a feature can be made to shown only at desired places by creating rules. Please look for the section "Conditions to display the template" under every feature page to add rules as per the requirement. = How to disable/hide share buttons in all pages ? = Please select "Hide in all pages" option under "conditions to display the template" section in all the templates to hide them being displayed. For other features like floating sharebar, follow bar, text sharebar and mobile sharebar can be hidden by "disabling" them from the top most section available at their respective pages. = How to add a custom share button which is not available already to the template ? = Custom share buttons can be added using the "Custom HTML" service. Paste your button generation script in the text box and use that custom HTML button in the template. Please refer [this page](https://goo.gl/Ge7riC) for the full list of FAQs. == Screenshots == 1. Native social icon, buttons, share counters, icons styles in action 2. WP Socializer in action with a dark theme 3. Vertical sharebar 4. Horizontal sharebar 5. Sharebar with custom background color and design 6. Follow us icons floating to the sides. 7. Mobile sharebar in different themes 8. Selected text sharebar with green theme selected. 9. Admin UI to create buttons. 10. Conditional display UI. 11. Social button icons settings page. 12. Follow bar admin page. == Changelog == = 3.1 = * New: Import/export settings feature. * New: Language can now be selected for Facebook, Google plus and LinkedIn buttons. * Fix: Conditional display feature was not working in some cases. * Fix: Scrollbars weren't displayed in popup window issue. * Fix: Enqueue script warning messages. * Fix: Deprecated buttons are removed in Sharethis service. * Fix: Follow bar aligment issue. = 3.0 = * New: Plugin completely re-written from scratch * New: administration interface * New: Support for modern buttons, icons == Upgrade Notice == WP Socializer v3 is re-written from scratch with attractive lot more features.Please upgrade to the latest version ( 3.0+ ) to experience all the new features. Please watch [this video](https://goo.gl/4jZJji) for more details.