Edit File: sharethis.php
<?php /** * Share this service for WP Socializer * */ class wpsr_service_sharethis{ function __construct(){ WPSR_Services::register( 'sharethis', array( 'name' => 'Share this', 'icons' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/icons/sharethis.png', 'desc' => __( 'Create Sharethis buttons like social buttons with counter', 'wpsr' ), 'settings' => array( 'size' => 'popup' ), 'callbacks' => array( 'output' => array( $this, 'output' ), 'includes' => array( $this, 'includes' ), 'settings' => array( $this, 'settings' ), 'validation' => array( $this, 'validation' ), 'general_settings' => array( $this, 'general_settings' ), 'general_settings_validation' => array( $this, 'general_settings_validation' ), ) )); $this->sites = WPSR_Lists::sharethis(); $this->default_values = array( 'type' => 'large', ); } function output( $settings = array(), $page_info = array() ){ $out = array(); $html = ''; $settings = wp_parse_args( $settings, $this->default_values ); $saved = json_decode( base64_decode( $settings[ 'selected_sites' ] ) ); if( $settings[ 'type' ] == 'none' ){ $type = ''; }else{ $type = '_' . $settings[ 'type' ]; } foreach( $saved as $site ){ if( array_key_exists( $site, $this->sites ) ){ $html .= '<span class="st_' . $site . $type . '" displayText="' . esc_attr( $this->sites[ $site ][ 'name' ] ) . '" st_url="' . esc_attr( $page_info[ 'url' ] ) . '" st_title="' . esc_attr( $page_info[ 'title' ] ) . '"></span>'; } } $out['html'] = $html; $out['includes'] = array( 'sharethis_main_js' ); return $out; } function includes(){ $gs = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'wpsr_general_settings' ), WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'gsettings_sharethis' ) ); $includes = array( 'sharethis_main_js' => array( 'type' => 'js', 'code' => '<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher: "' . esc_attr( $gs[ 'st_pub_key' ] ) . '", doNotHash: false, doNotCopy: false, hashAddressBar: false});</script>' ) ); return $includes; } function settings( $values ){ ?> <h4><?php _e( 'Selected buttons', 'wpsr' ); ?></h4> <button class="mini_section_select"><span class="dashicons dashicons-plus"></span> <?php _e( 'Click to open the list of buttons', 'wpsr' ); ?> <span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down fright"></span></button> <div class="mini_section"> <p><?php _e( 'Drag and drop social buttons into the box below', 'wpsr' ); ?></p> <div class="mini_filters"><input type="text" class="list_search" data-list=".list_available" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Search', 'wpsr' ); ?> ..." /></div> <ul class="mini_btn_list list_available clearfix"> <?php foreach( $this->sites as $site => $config ){ echo '<li data-id="' . $site . '"><span>' . $config[ 'name' ] . '</span><i class="dashicons dashicons-trash item_action item_delete" title="' . __( 'Delete button', 'wpsr' ) . '"></i></li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> <ul class="mini_btn_list list_selected clearfix" data-callback="wpsr_st_process_list" data-input=".st_selected_list"><?php $saved = json_decode( base64_decode( $values[ 'selected_sites' ] ) ); foreach( $saved as $site ){ echo '<li data-id="' . $site . '"><span>' . $this->sites[ $site ][ 'name' ] . '</span><i class="dashicons dashicons-trash item_action item_delete" title="' . __( 'Delete button', 'wpsr' ) . '"></i></li>'; } ?></ul> <input type="hidden" name="o[selected_sites]" class="st_selected_list" value="<?php echo $values[ 'selected_sites' ]; ?>" /> <script> wpsr_list_selector_init(); </script> <h4>Settings</h4> <?php $values = wp_parse_args( $values, $this->default_values ); $section1 = array( array( __( 'Button type', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[type]', 'value' => $values['type'], 'list' => array( 'none' => __( '16px icons', 'wpsr' ), 'large' => __( '32px icons', 'wpsr' ), 'hcount' => __( 'Horizontal buttons', 'wpsr' ), 'vcount' => __( 'Vertical buttons', 'wpsr' ), ) ))), ); WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section1, '', '', true); } function validation( $values ){ return $values; } function general_settings( $values ){ $values = wp_parse_args( $values, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'gsettings_sharethis' ) ); $section1 = array( array( __( 'Publisher Key', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => 'st_pub_key', 'value' => $values['st_pub_key'], 'helper' => sprintf( __( 'Publisher key can be found <a href="%s" target="_blank">in this page</a>. Enter without brackets.','wpsr' ), 'https://www.sharethis.com/account/' ) ))) ); WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section1, 'Sharethis settings'); } function general_settings_validation( $values ){ return $values; } } new wpsr_service_sharethis(); ?>