Edit File: social_buttons.php
<?php /** * Social buttons service for WP Socializer * */ class wpsr_service_social_buttons{ var $sites; function __construct(){ WPSR_Services::register( 'social_buttons', array( 'name' => 'Social Buttons', 'icons' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/icons/social_buttons.png', 'desc' => __( 'Create social buttons with 35 sites and combiniations of different shape, size and colors.', 'wpsr' ), 'settings' => array( 'size' => 'popup' ), 'callbacks' => array( 'output' => array( $this, 'output' ), 'includes' => array( $this, 'includes' ), 'settings' => array( $this, 'settings' ), 'validation' => array( $this, 'validation' ), 'general_settings' => array( $this, 'general_settings' ), 'general_settings_validation' => array( $this, 'general_settings_validation' ), ) )); $this->sites = WPSR_Lists::social_buttons(); $this->default_values = array( 'selected_sites' => '', 'sr-sizes' => '32px', 'sr-shapes' => '', 'sr-hover' => 'opacity', 'sr-layout' => '', 'sr-font-size' => '', 'sr-icon-display' => '', 'sr-icon-color' => 'icon-white', 'sr-border-width' => '', 'sr-border-color' => '', 'sr-background-color' => '', 'sr-shadow' => '', 'sr-pad' => '', 'text-styles' => '', 'more_sites' => '0', 'open_popup' => '' ); } function output( $settings = array(), $page_info = array() ){ $out = array(); $settings = wp_parse_args( $settings, $this->default_values ); $classes = array( 'socializer' ); foreach( $settings as $key => $val ){ if( substr( $key, 0, 3 ) == 'sr-' && $val != '' ){ array_push( $classes, 'sr-' . $val ); } } $sites_clist = array(); $sel_sites = json_decode( base64_decode( $settings[ 'selected_sites' ] ) ); $is_mobile = wp_is_mobile(); $text_style = $settings[ 'text-styles' ]; $def_site_options = array( 'count' => 0, 'icon' => '', 'text' => 0, 'custom_text' => '', 'custom_url' => '', ); foreach( $sel_sites as $site ){ $id = key( $site ); $opts = wp_parse_args( (array) $site->$id, $def_site_options ); $props = $this->sites[ $id ]; if( !$is_mobile && in_array( 'mobile_only', $props[ 'features' ] ) ) continue; $temp_url = ( $opts[ 'custom_url' ] == '' ) ? $props[ 'link' ] : $opts[ 'custom_url' ]; $url = $this->get_url( $temp_url, $page_info ); $onclick = isset( $props[ 'onclick' ] ) ? 'onclick="' . $props[ 'onclick' ] . '"' : ''; $count_tag = ''; if( $opts[ 'count' ] == 1 && in_array( 'count', $props[ 'options' ] ) ){ $count = WPSR_Share_Counter::get_count( $id, $page_info[ 'url' ] ); $count_tag = '<em class="ctext">' . $count[ 'formatted' ] . '</em>'; } $text_in = ''; $text_out = ''; $text_class = ''; $the_text = ''; if( intval( $opts[ 'text' ] ) == 1 ){ $the_text = empty( $opts[ 'custom_text' ] ) ? $props[ 'name' ] : $opts[ 'custom_text' ]; $text_class = 'sr-text-' . $text_style; if( $text_style == 'in' ){ $text_in = '<span class="text">' . $the_text . '</span>'; }else{ $text_out = '<span class="text">' . $the_text . '</span>'; } } $icon = ( $opts[ 'icon' ] == '' ) ? '<i class="fa fa-' . esc_attr( $props[ 'icon' ] ) . '"></i>' : '<img src="' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'icon' ] ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '" />'; $chtml = '<span class="sr-' . esc_attr( $id ) . ' ' . esc_attr( $text_class ) . '"><a rel="nofollow" href="' . esc_attr( $url ) . '" target="_blank" ' . $onclick . ' title="' . esc_attr( $props[ 'title' ] ) . '">' . $icon . $text_in . $count_tag . '</a>' . $text_out . '</span>'; array_push( $sites_clist, $chtml ); } $more_html = ''; if( intval( $settings[ 'more_sites' ] ) > 0 ){ $more_count = intval( $settings[ 'more_sites' ] ); $more_sites = array_slice( $sites_clist, -$more_count, $more_count ); $more_html = '<span class="sr-more"><a href="#" target="_blank" title="More sites"><i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i></a><ul class="socializer">' . implode( "\n", $more_sites ) . '</ul></span>'; $sites_clist = array_slice( $sites_clist, 0, -$more_count ); array_push( $sites_clist, $more_html ); } if( $settings[ 'open_popup' ] == '' ){ array_push( $classes, 'sr-popup' ); } $html = '<div class="' . implode( " ", $classes ) . '">' . implode( "\n", $sites_clist ) . '</div>'; return $out = array( 'html' => $html, 'includes' => array( 'sb_css', 'sb_fa_css' ) ); } function includes(){ return array( 'sb_fa_css' => array( 'type' => 'css', 'link' => WPSR_Lists::ext_res( 'font-awesome' ) ), 'sb_css' => array( 'type' => 'css', 'link' => WPSR_Lists::ext_res( 'socializer-css' ) ), ); } function settings( $values ){ $values = wp_parse_args( $values, $this->default_values ); if( is_array( $values ) ){ extract( $values ); } $site_options = array( 'count' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'helper' => __( 'Show count', 'wpsr' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Select to show the share count of the service', 'wpsr' ) ), 'icon' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'helper' => __( 'Icon URL', 'wpsr' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Enter a custom icon URL for this site, starting with http://. Leave blank to use default icon', 'wpsr' ) ), 'text' => array( 'type' => 'checkbox', 'helper' => __( 'Show site title', 'wpsr' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Select to show site title next to icon', 'wpsr' ) ), 'custom_text' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'helper' => __( 'Custom site title', 'wpsr' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'The custom text to show if "show site title" is selected. Leave blank to use the default site title', 'wpsr' ) ), 'custom_url' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'helper' => __( 'Custom URL', 'wpsr' ), 'placeholder' => __( 'Enter a custom URL for this site, starting with http://. Leave blank to use default. Use {url}, {title} to use active page details in URL if needed.', 'wpsr' ) ), ); $site_features = array( 'all' => array( 'title' => __( 'All buttons', 'wpsr' ), 'desc' => __( 'All social media buttons', 'wpsr' ) ), 'for_share' => array( 'title' => __( 'Link sharing buttons', 'wpsr' ), 'desc' => __( 'Buttons used for sharing page links', 'wpsr' ) ), 'for_profile' => array( 'title' => __( 'Social profile buttons', 'wpsr' ), 'desc' => __( 'Buttons used for sharing social media profiles', 'wpsr' ) ), 'mobile_only' => array( 'title' => __( 'Mobile only buttons', 'wpsr' ), 'desc' => __( 'Buttons which will be displayed only on mobile devices', 'wpsr' ) ), ); $saved = array(); $sel_sites = json_decode( base64_decode( $values[ 'selected_sites' ] ) ); foreach( $sel_sites as $site ){ $id = key( $site ); $opts = (array) $site->$id; array_push( $saved, array( $id => $opts ) ); } ?> <h4><?php _e( 'Select social buttons', 'wpsr' ); ?></h4> <button class="mini_section_select"><span class="dashicons dashicons-plus"></span> <?php _e( 'Click to open the list of buttons', 'wpsr' ); ?><span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down fright"></span></button> <div class="mini_section"> <p><?php _e( 'Drag and drop social buttons into the box below', 'wpsr' ); ?></p> <div class="mini_filters"><select class="sb_features_list" data-list=".list_available" ><?php foreach( $site_features as $k=>$v ){ echo '<option value="' . $k . '">' . $v[ 'title' ] . '</options>'; } ?></select><input type="text" class="list_search" data-list=".list_available" placeholder="<?php _e( 'Search', 'wpsr' ); ?> ..." /></div> <ul class="mini_btn_list list_available clearfix"> <?php foreach( $this->sites as $site => $config ){ $datas = ' data-id="' . $site . '" data-opt_text="false" data-opt_custom_url="" data-opt_icon="" data-opt_custom_text="" '; foreach( $config[ 'options' ] as $opt ){ $datas .= 'data-opt_' . $opt . '="false"'; } echo '<li' . $datas . ' style="background-color: ' . $config[ 'colors' ][0] . ';" data-features="' . implode( ',', $config[ 'features' ] ) . '">'; echo '<i class="fa fa-' . $config[ 'icon' ] . ' item_icon" ></i> '; echo '<span>' . $config[ 'name' ] . '</span>'; echo '<i class="fa fa-trash-o item_action item_delete" title="' . __( 'Delete button', 'wpsr' ) . '"></i> '; echo '<i class="fa fa-cog item_action item_settings" title="' . __( 'Button settings', 'wpsr' ) . '"></i> '; echo '</li>'; } ?> </ul> </div> <ul class="mini_btn_list list_selected clearfix" data-callback="wpsr_sb_process_list" data-input=".sb_selected_list"><?php foreach( $saved as $i ){ foreach( $i as $site => $opts ){ $datas = ' data-id="' . $site . '"'; $site_prop = $this->sites[ $site ]; foreach( $opts as $k => $v ){ $datas .= ' data-opt_' . $k . '="' . $v . '"'; } echo '<li' . $datas . ' style="background-color: ' . $site_prop[ 'colors' ][0] . ';">'; echo '<i class="fa fa-' . $site_prop[ 'icon' ] . ' item_icon"></i>'; echo '<span>' . $site_prop[ 'name' ] . '</span>'; echo '<i class="fa fa-trash-o item_action item_delete" title="' . __( 'Delete button', 'wpsr' ) . '"></i>'; echo '<i class="fa fa-cog item_action item_settings" title="' . __( 'Button settings', 'wpsr' ) . '"></i>'; echo '</li>'; } } ?></ul> <input type="hidden" name="o[selected_sites]" class="sb_selected_list" value="<?php echo $values[ 'selected_sites' ]; ?>" /> <div class="item_popup"> <h4></h4> <i class="fa fa-times item_popup_close" title="<?php _e( 'Close', 'wpsr' ); ?>"></i> <div class="item_popup_cnt"></div> <button class="button button-primary item_popup_save"><?php _e( 'Save button settings', 'wpsr' ); ?></button> </div> <script> var sb_sites = <?php echo json_encode( $this->sites ); ?>; var sb_site_options = <?php echo json_encode( $site_options ); ?>; wpsr_list_selector_init( 'wpsr_sb_process_list', '.sb_selected_list' ); </script> <p><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <?php echo __( 'Use the settings icon to add text, share count, custom icon and URL to the button.', 'wpsr' ); ?></p> <h4>Settings</h4> <?php $section1 = array( array( __( 'Icon size', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-sizes]', 'value' => $values['sr-sizes'], 'list' => array( '32px' => '32px', '16px' => '16px', '48px' => '48px', '64px' => '64px', ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="sizes"', 'tip' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/tips/btn-sizes.png' ))), array( __( 'Icon shape', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-shapes]', 'value' => $values['sr-shapes'], 'list' => array( '' => 'Square', 'circle' => 'Circle', 'squircle' => 'Squircle', 'squircle-2' => 'Squircle 2', 'diamond' => 'Diamond', 'ribbon' => 'Ribbon', 'drop' => 'Drop', ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="shapes"', 'tip' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/tips/btn-shapes.png' ))), array( __( 'Hover effects', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-hover]', 'value' => $values['sr-hover'], 'list' => array( '' => __( 'None', 'wpsr' ), 'opacity' => 'Opacity', 'rotate' => 'Rotate', 'zoom' => 'Zoom', 'shrink' => 'Shrink', 'float' => 'Float', 'sink' => 'Sink', 'fade-white' => 'Fade to white', 'fade-black' => 'Fade to black' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="hover"' ))), ); $section2 = array( array( __( 'Button layout', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-layout]', 'value' => $values['sr-layout'], 'list' => array( '' => 'Normal', 'fluid' => 'Fluid', 'vertical' => __( 'Vertical', 'wpsr' ) ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="layouts"', 'tip' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/tips/btn-layouts.png' ))), array( __( 'Text styles', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[text-styles]', 'value' => $values['text-styles'], 'list' => array( 'in' => __( 'Besides icon', 'wpsr' ), 'out' => __( 'Besides icon 2', 'wpsr' ), 'below' => __( 'Below icon', 'wpsr' ), 'hover' => __( 'Text on hover', 'wpsr' ) ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="text-styles"', 'tip' => WPSR_ADMIN_URL . '/images/tips/btn-text-types.png' ))), array( __( 'Font size', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-font-size]', 'value' => $values['sr-font-size'], 'list' => array( '' => 'Normal', 'font-sm' => 'Small', 'font-lg' => 'Large' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="font-size"' ))), array( __( 'Icon display', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-icon-display]', 'value' => $values['sr-icon-display'], 'list' => array( '' => __( 'Show icon', 'wpsr' ), 'no-icon' => __( 'Hide icon', 'wpsr' ) ) ))), ); $section3 = array( array( __( 'Icon color', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-icon-color]', 'value' => $values['sr-icon-color'], 'list' => array( 'icon-white' => 'White icon', 'icon-dark' => 'Dark icon', 'icon-grey' => 'Grey icon', '' => 'Color icon', ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="icon-color"' ))), array( __( 'Border width', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-border-width]', 'value' => $values['sr-border-width'], 'list' => array( '' => 'No border', 'bdr-sm' => 'Small size border', 'bdr-md' => 'Medium size border', 'bdr-lg' => 'Large size border' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="border-width"' ))), array( __( 'Border color', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-border-color]', 'value' => $values['sr-border-color'], 'list' => array( '' => 'Color border', 'bdr-white' => 'White border', 'bdr-dark' => 'Dark border', 'bdr-grey' => 'Grey border' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="border-color"' ))), array( __( 'Background color', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-background-color]', 'value' => $values['sr-background-color'], 'list' => array( '' => 'Color background', 'bg-none' => 'Transparent background', 'bg-white' => 'White background', 'bg-dark' => 'Dark background', 'bg-grey' => 'Grey background' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="background-color"' ))), array( __( 'Shadow type', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-shadow]', 'value' => $values['sr-shadow'], 'list' => array( '' => 'No shadow', 'sw-1' => 'Type 1', 'sw-2' => 'Type 2', 'sw-3' => 'Type 3', 'sw-icon-1' => 'Icon shadow 1' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="shadow"' ))), ); $section4 = array( array( __( 'Gutters', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[sr-pad]', 'value' => $values['sr-pad'], 'list' => array( '' => 'No', 'pad' => 'yes' ), 'helper' => __( 'Select to add space between buttons', 'wpsr' ), 'custom' => 'data-scr-settings="pad"' ))), array( __( 'No of buttons in the last to group', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[more_sites]', 'value' => $values['more_sites'], 'list' => array( '0' => 'No grouping', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10' => '10', ), 'helper' => __( 'The last buttons grouped will be displayed in a "More" buttons menu', 'wpsr' ) ))), array( __( 'Open links in popup', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => 'o[open_popup]', 'value' => $values['open_popup'], 'list' => array( '' => 'yes', 'no' => 'No', ), ))), ); echo '<h5 class="scr_saction scr_templates_btn"><span class="dashicons dashicons-portfolio"></span> ' . __( 'Select a design template', 'wpsr' ) . '</h5>'; echo '<div class="scr_swrap scr_templates_wrap">'; echo '<ul class="scr_templates">'; echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '<h5 class="scr_saction"><span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-tools"></span> ' . __( 'Customize the design manually', 'wpsr' ) . '</h5>'; echo '<div class="scr_swrap scr_msettings">'; echo '<h4 class="collapse_head">' . __( 'Size, shape and hover effects', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section1, '', '', true); echo '<h4 class="collapse_head">' . __( 'Layouts, text and icon', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section2, '', '', true); echo '<h4 class="collapse_head">' . __( 'Styles and colors', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section3, '', '', true); echo '<h4 class="collapse_head">' . __( 'Other settings', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section4, '', '', true); echo '</div>'; } function get_url( $url, $pinfo ){ $g_settings = get_option( 'wpsr_general_settings' ); $g_settings = wp_parse_args( $g_settings, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'gsettings_twitter' ) ); $t_username = ( $g_settings[ 'twitter_username' ] != '' ) ? '@' . $g_settings[ 'twitter_username' ] : ''; $search = array( '{url}', '{title}', '{excerpt}', '{s-url}', '{rss-url}', '{twitter-username}', ); $replace = array( $pinfo[ 'url' ], $pinfo[ 'title' ], $pinfo[ 'excerpt' ], $pinfo[ 'short_url' ], $pinfo[ 'rss_url' ], $t_username ); return str_replace( $search, $replace, $url ); } function validation( $values ){ return $values; } function general_settings( $values ){ $values = wp_parse_args( $values, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'gsettings_socialbuttons' ) ); $section1 = array( array( __( 'ID or class name of the comment section', 'wpsr' ), WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => 'sb_comment_sec', 'value' => $values['sb_comment_sec'], 'placeholder' => 'Ex: #comments', 'helper' => __( 'Enter the class name or ID of the comment section in the page.', 'wpsr' ), 'qtip' => 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ1YO0xZ7WA' ))) ); WPSR_Admin::build_table( $section1, 'Social buttons settings' ); } function general_settings_validation( $values ){ return $values; } } new wpsr_service_social_buttons(); ?>