Edit File: switch_mod_lsapi
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2018 All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys import getopt import shutil import hashlib import json sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/user")) from lve_diagnostic import * from exec_command import * from distutils.version import LooseVersion import mod_lsapi_stat from stat_utils import plesk_bin_php_handler SOURCE = "/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/user" ENABLED_FILE = "/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/global.enabled" def touch(fname): try: os.utime(fname, None) except: open(fname, 'a').close() def get_cl_num(): result = exec_command("rpm -q --qf \"%{version}\n\" `rpm -q --whatprovides /etc/redhat-release`") return result[0] def add_one_item_to_php_handler(path, needle): """ Add one configuration string to php.handler """ with open(path, "r+") as file: for line in file: if needle in line: break else: # not found, we are at the eof file.write("%s\n" % needle) # append missing data def add_lines(path, lines): """ Add lines to file """ with open(path, "a") as f: for line in lines: add_one_item_to_php_handler(path, line.strip()) def remove_all_lines(path, lines): """ Remove lines from file """ with open(path, "a") as f: for line in lines: exec_command_out( """sed -i -e '/^[[:space:]]*%s[[:space:]]*$/d' %s""" % (line.strip().replace("/", "\\/"), path)) def getItem(txt1, txt2, op): try: i1 = int(txt1) except ValueError: i1 = -1 try: i2 = int(txt2) except ValueError: i2 = -1 if i1 == -1 or i2 == -1: if op == 0: return txt1 > txt2 else: return txt1 < txt2 else: if op == 0: return i1 > i2 else: return i1 < i2 # Compare version of types xx.xx.xxx... and yyy.yy.yy.y.. # if xxx and yyy is numbers, than comapre as numbers # else - comapre as strings def verCompare(base, test): base = base.split(".") test = test.split(".") if (len(base) > len(test)): ln = len(test) else: ln = len(base) for i in range(ln): if getItem(base[i], test[i], 0): return 1 if getItem(base[i], test[i], 1): return -1 if len(base) == len(test): return 0 elif len(base) > len(test): return 1 else: return 0 def usage(): print '' print 'Use following syntax to manage MODLSAPI istall utility:' print sys.argv[0] + " [OPTIONS]" print 'Options:' print "--setup - setup mod_lsapi configurations for apache" print "--setup-light - only EasyApache 4 feature" print "--uninstall - uninstall mod_lsapi from apache" print "--enable-domain - enable mod_lsapi for individual domain" print "--disable-domain - disable mod_lsapi for individual domain" print "--enable-global - sets up mod_lsapi as a default way to serve PHP, making it enabled for all domains. Once that mode is enabled, you cannot disable mod_lsapi for individual domain" print "--disable-global - disable mod_lsapi as a default way to serve PHP, disabling mod_lsapi for all domains, including those selected previously using --enable-domain" print "--build-native-lsphp - build native lsphp for cPanel" print "--build-native-lsphp-cust - build native lsphp for cPanel(with custom PHP source path)" print "--check-php - check PHP configuration" print "--verbose - switch verbose level on" print "--force - only with setup option (EA4)" print "--stat - return statistics in json" PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS = { "x-httpd-lsphp-44": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php44/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP4.4 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php44/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php44/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-51": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php51/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP5.1 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php51/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php51/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-52": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php52/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP5.2 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php52/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php52/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-53": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php53/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP5.3 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php53/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php53/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-54": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php54/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP5.4 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php54/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php54/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-55": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php55/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP5.5 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php55/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php55/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-56": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php56/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP5.6 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php56/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php56/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-70": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php70/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP7.0 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php70/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php70/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-71": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php71/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP7.1 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php71/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php71/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-72": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php72/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP7.2 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php72/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php72/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-73": { 'path': "/opt/alt/php73/usr/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP7.3 alt-php", 'phpini': "/opt/alt/php73/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/opt/alt/php73/usr/bin/php" }, "x-httpd-lsphp-custom": { 'path': "/usr/local/bin/lsphp", 'name': "LSPHP by vendor OS", 'phpini': "/etc/php.ini", 'cli': "/usr/bin/php" } } PLESK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = '/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/domain/domainVirtualHost.php' PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = '/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/custom/domain/domainVirtualHost.php' def plesk_save_default_domain_hash(): with open('/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/plesk_domain_md5', 'wb') as md5sum: md5sum.write(hashlib.md5(open(PLESK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN).read()).hexdigest()) def plesk_remove_hook(script_name='/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/hooks/plesk_update_hook.py'): """ Event handler removal based on script name (containing into 'Command' field) :param script_name: hook script to remove from handlers """ # remove md5sum storage file and hook log for f in ('/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/plesk_domain_md5', '/usr/share/lve/modlscapi/plesk_upd_hook.log'): if os.path.exists(f): os.unlink(f) # find and remove hook all_hooks = exec_command('plesk bin event_handler -l') for k, v in [l.split(' ' * 8) for l in all_hooks]: if k == 'Id': current_id = v.strip() if v.strip() == script_name: break else: return exec_command_out('plesk bin event_handler -d {0}'.format(current_id)) def plesk_get_installed_handlers(): """ Get installed handlers list :return: list of IDs of installed handlers """ installed_handlers = plesk_bin_php_handler('list') return [x['id'] for x in installed_handlers] def plesk_install(): """ Install mod_lsapi to plesk """ install_default_handler = 0 if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN)) if os.path.exists(PLESK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN): plesk_save_default_domain_hash() if os.path.exists(PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN): os.remove(PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN) shutil.copy(PLESK_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN) exec_command_out("patch {f} {path}/domainVirtualHost.php.patch".format(f=PLESK_CUSTOM_DOMAIN, path=SOURCE)) if not os.path.isdir("/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/custom/service/"): os.makedirs("/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/custom/service/") shutil.copy(SOURCE + "/php_over_lsphp.php", "/usr/local/psa/admin/conf/" "templates/custom/service/php_over_lsphp.php") add_lines("/etc/container/php.handler", ["{0} {1}".format(key, PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS[key]['path']) for key in PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS]) if os.path.exists("/opt/alt/php56/usr/bin/lsphp"): if os.path.exists("/usr/local/bin/lsphp"): os.remove("/usr/local/bin/lsphp") shutil.copy("/opt/alt/php56/usr/bin/lsphp", "/usr/local/bin/lsphp") install_default_handler = 1 tmpl_add = """/usr/local/psa/bin/php_handler --add -displayname "%(name)s" -path %(path)s -phpini %(ini)s -clipath %(cli)s -type fastcgi -id %(id)s""" tmpl_update = """/usr/local/psa/bin/php_handler --update -id %(id)s -type fastcgi""" if install_default_handler != 0 and 'x-httpd-lsphp-custom' not in plesk_get_installed_handlers(): # install and update default handler exec_command_out( tmpl_add % {'id': 'x-httpd-lsphp-custom', 'name': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS['x-httpd-lsphp-custom']['name'], 'path': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS['x-httpd-lsphp-custom']['path'], 'ini': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS['x-httpd-lsphp-custom']['phpini'], 'cli': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS['x-httpd-lsphp-custom']['cli']} ) exec_command_out(tmpl_update % {'id': 'x-httpd-lsphp-custom'}) # install other handlers for key in set(PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS.keys()).difference(set(plesk_get_installed_handlers())): exec_command_out(tmpl_add % {'id': key, 'name': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS[key]['name'], 'path': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS[key]['path'], 'ini': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS[key]['phpini'], 'cli': PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS[key]['cli']} ) exec_command_out(tmpl_update % {'id': key}) exec_command_out("""/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all""") exec_command_out("service httpd restart") return 0 def plesk_uninstall(): """ Uninstall mod_lsapi from plesk """ print bcolors.WARNING + "Uninstalling Plesk LSPHP handlers" + bcolors.ENDC tmpl_remove = "/usr/local/psa/bin/php_handler --remove -id %(id)s" for key in PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS: exec_command_out(tmpl_remove % {'id': key}) if os.path.exists("/usr/local/bin/lsphp"): os.remove("/usr/local/bin/lsphp") remove_all_lines("/etc/container/php.handler", ["{} {}".format(key, PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS[key]['path']) for key in PLESK_PHP_HANDLERS]) plesk_remove_hook() return 0 class bcolors: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def disable(self): self.HEADER = '' self.OKBLUE = '' self.OKGREEN = '' self.WARNING = '' self.FAIL = '' self.ENDC = '' def install_modlsapi(): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if verCompare(cp.version, "12.5") >= 0: plesk_install() else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/rpm_install") elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if verbose_level > 0: if force_opt > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --force --setup") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --setup") else: if force_opt > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --force --setup") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --setup") touch("/var/cpanel/easy_skip_update_php_mime_types") elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/rpm_install") elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/rpm_install") elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: if LooseVersion(get_cl_num()) < LooseVersion('6'): print bcolors.WARNING + "CloudLinux Version 5 without panels is not supported!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/rpm_install") def uninstall_modlsapi(): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: if verCompare(cp.version, "12.5") >= 0: plesk_uninstall() else: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if os.path.exists("/var/cpanel/easy_skip_update_php_mime_types"): os.remove("/var/cpanel/easy_skip_update_php_mime_types") if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --uninstall") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --uninstall") elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC if os.path.exists(ENABLED_FILE): os.remove(ENABLED_FILE) def enable_domain_modlsapi(a): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --enable-domain " + a) else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --enable-domain " + a) elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC def disable_domain_modlsapi(a): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --disable-domain " + a) else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --disable-domain " + a) elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC def enable_global_modlsapi(): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if force_opt > 0: if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --force --enable-global") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --force --enable-global") else: if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --enable-global") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --enable-global") elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC def disable_global_modlsapi(): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --disable-global") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --disable-global") elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC def lsphp_modlsapi(a): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": print bcolors.OKGREEN + "Instruction: " + bcolors.OKBLUE + "http://docs.cloudlinux.com/index.html?apache_mod_lsapi.html" + bcolors.ENDC exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --build-native-lsphp " + a) elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC def setup_light(): if cp.name == "Plesk" and verCompare(cp.version, "10") >= 0: print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "cPanel": if verbose_level > 0: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --verbose --setup-light ") else: exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/switch_lsapi --setup-light ") elif cp.name == "InterWorx": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "ISPManager": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC elif cp.name == "DirectAdmin": print bcolors.WARNING + "!!!Not supported yet!!!" + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.FAIL + "!!!Unknown panel!!!!" + bcolors.ENDC def check_php(): """ Check php configurations """ exec_command_out(SOURCE + "/lsphpchecker.py fast") verbose_level = 0 force_opt = 0 cp = get_cp() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help", "setup", "setup-light", "force", "enable-domain=", "disable-domain=", "enable-global", "disable-global", "uninstall", "build-native-lsphp", "build-native-lsphp-cust=", "check-php", "verbose", "stat"]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: # print help information and exit: print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif o in ("--verbose",): verbose_level = 1 elif o in ("--force"): force_opt = 1 elif o in ("--setup",): install_modlsapi() elif o in ("--setup-light"): setup_light() elif o in ("--enable-domain",): enable_domain_modlsapi(a) elif o in ("--disable-domain",): disable_domain_modlsapi(a) elif o in ("--enable-global",): enable_global_modlsapi() elif o in ("--disable-global",): disable_global_modlsapi() elif o in ("--uninstall",): uninstall_modlsapi() elif o in ("--build-native-lsphp",): lsphp_modlsapi("") elif o in ("--build-native-lsphp-cust",): lsphp_modlsapi(a) elif o in ("--check-php",): check_php() elif o in ("--stat",): print mod_lsapi_stat.get(as_json=True) else: usage() sys.exit(2)