Edit File: templates.php
<?php /** * Templates processor * */ class WPSR_Template_Buttons{ public static function init(){ add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'output' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpsr_preview_template_buttons', array( __CLASS__, 'preview' ) ); } public static function output(){ $btn_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'wpsr_button_settings' ), array( 'tmpl' => array() )); $btn_templates = $btn_settings[ 'tmpl' ]; foreach( $btn_templates as $tmpl ){ $content_obj = new wpsr_template_button_handler( $tmpl, 'content' ); $excerpt_obj = new wpsr_template_button_handler( $tmpl, 'excerpt' ); add_filter( 'the_content', array( $content_obj, 'print_template' ), 10 ); add_filter( 'the_excerpt', array( $excerpt_obj, 'print_template' ), 10 ); } } public static function html( $template, $page_info = array() ){ $decoded = base64_decode( $template ); $rows = json_decode( $decoded ); $html = ''; $row_buttons = array(); $buttons = WPSR_Buttons::list_all(); if( !is_object( $rows ) || empty( $rows ) ) return array( 'html' => '', 'buttons' => '' ); // Apply filters on the template rows $rows = apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_buttons_template', $rows ); foreach( $rows as $row ){ if( count( $row->buttons ) > 0 ){ $html .= '<div class="wp-socializer wpsr-buttons">'; foreach( $row->buttons as $button ){ $btn_id = key( ( array )$button ); array_push( $row_buttons, $btn_id ); if( !array_key_exists( $btn_id, $buttons ) ){ continue; } $wrap_tag = 1; $btn_settings = $buttons[ $btn_id ][ 'settings' ]; $service_id = $buttons[ $btn_id ][ 'service' ]; if ( isset( $btn_settings[ '_wrap_tag' ] ) && $btn_settings[ '_wrap_tag' ] == 0 ){ $wrap_tag = 0; } $classes = apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_button_classes', array( 'wpsr-btn', 'wpsr-srvc-' . $service_id ) ); $classes = join( ' ', $classes ); $btn_html = WPSR_Buttons::get_button( $btn_id, $page_info ); $html .= $wrap_tag ? '<span class="' . $classes . '">' . $btn_html . '</span>' : $btn_html; } $html .= '</div>'; } } $out = array( 'html' => $html, 'buttons' => $row_buttons ); return apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_buttons_template_html', $out ); } public static function preview( $template ){ if( !isset( $_GET[ 'template' ] ) ){ die(0); } $template = wp_kses_post( $_GET[ 'template' ] ); $page_info = array( 'title' => 'Google', 'url' => 'https://www.google.com', 'excerpt' => 'Dummy excerpt for WP Socializer preview', 'short_url' => 'https://goo.gl/lightsaber', 'comments_count' => '45', 'post_id' => 1 ); // Generate HTML for the template $gen_out = self::html( $template, $page_info ); echo '<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>' . __( 'WP Socializer template preview', 'wpsr' ) . '</title>'; echo '</head><body>' . $gen_out[ 'html' ]; WPSR_Includes::preview_print_includes(); echo '</body></html>'; die(0); } } class WPSR_Template_Sharebar{ public static function init(){ add_action( 'wp_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'output' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpsr_preview_template_sharebar', array( __CLASS__, 'preview' ) ); } public static function output(){ $sb_settings = wp_parse_args( get_option( 'wpsr_sharebar_settings' ), WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'sharebar' ) ); $loc_rules_answer = WPSR_Location_Rules::check_rule( $sb_settings[ 'loc_rules' ] ); if( $sb_settings[ 'ft_status' ] != 'disable' && $loc_rules_answer ){ $gen_out = self::html( $sb_settings ); echo $gen_out[ 'html' ]; do_action( 'wpsr_do_sharebar_print_template_end' ); } } public static function html( $opts, $page_info = array() ){ $html = ''; $buttons = array(); $classes = array(); $styles = array(); $decoded = base64_decode( $opts[ 'buttons' ] ); $rows = json_decode( $decoded ); if( !is_object( $rows ) || empty( $rows ) ) return ''; if( $opts[ 'type' ] == 'horizontal' ){ array_push( $classes, 'wpsr-sb-hl-' . $opts[ 'hl_position' ] ); #array_push( $styles, 'width:' . $opts[ 'hl_width' ] ); array_push( $styles, ( $opts[ 'hl_position' ] == 'wbottom' ? 'bottom' : 'top' ) . ':' . $opts[ 'offset' ] ); }else{ array_push( $classes, 'wpsr-sb-vl-' . $opts[ 'vl_position' ] ); array_push( $classes, 'wpsr-sb-vl-' . $opts[ 'vl_movement' ] ); array_push( $styles, ( $opts[ 'vl_position' ] == 'wleft' ? 'left' : ( $opts[ 'vl_position' ] == 'scontent' ) ? 'margin-left' : 'right' ) . ':' . $opts[ 'offset' ] ); } array_push( $classes, 'wpsr-sb-' . ( $opts[ 'type' ] == 'horizontal' ? 'hl' : 'vl' ) ); array_push( $classes, 'wpsr-sb-' . $opts[ 'theme' ] ); $classes = array_merge( $classes, explode( ',', $opts[ 'css_class' ] ) ); if( $opts[ 'bg_color' ] != '' ) array_push( $styles, 'background-color:' . $opts[ 'bg_color' ] ); if( $opts[ 'border_color' ] != '' ) array_push( $styles, 'border-color:' . $opts[ 'border_color' ] ); if( $opts[ 'oc_color' ] == 'white' ) array_push( $classes, 'wpsr-sb-wocbtn' ); $classes = implode( ' ', $classes ); $styles = implode( ';', $styles ); // Apply filters $rows = apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_sharebar_template', $rows ); foreach( $rows as $row ){ if( count( $row->buttons ) > 0 ){ $html .= '<div class="wp-socializer wpsr-sharebar ' . esc_attr( $classes ) . '" style="' . esc_attr( $styles ) . '" data-stickto="' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'stick_element' ] ) . '">'; $html .= '<div class="wpsr-sb-inner">'; foreach( $row->buttons as $button ){ $btn = key( ( array )$button ); array_push( $buttons, $btn ); $html .= '<span class="wpsr-btn">' . WPSR_Buttons::get_button( $btn, $page_info ) . '</span>'; } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="wpsr-sb-close" title="Open or close sharebar"><span class="wpsr-icon"></span></div>'; $html .= '</div>'; } break; } $out = array( 'html' => $html, 'buttons' => $buttons ); return apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_sharebar_template_html', $out ); } public static function preview(){ $g = $_GET; $page_info = array( 'title' => 'Google', 'url' => 'https://www.google.com', 'excerpt' => 'Dummy excerpt for WP Socializer preview', 'short_url' => 'https://goo.gl/lightsaber', 'comments_count' => '45', 'post_id' => 1 ); $g[ 'stick_element' ] = '#main_content'; // Generate HTML for the template $gen_out = self::html( $g, $page_info ); echo '<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>WP Socializer template preview</title>'; echo '<script src="' . WPSR_Lists::ext_res( 'jquery' ) . '"></script>'; echo '<script src="' . WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'js/sharebar_preview.js"></script>'; echo '<link href="' . WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'css/sharebar_preview.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />'; echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />'; $dmap = array( 'vertical' => array( 'tdec' => __( 'left', 'wpsr' ), 'tinc' => __( 'right', 'wpsr' ), ), 'horizontal' => array( 'tdec' => __( 'up', 'wpsr' ), 'tinc' => __( 'down', 'wpsr' ) ), ); $change_offset = ''; $utext = array(); if( $g[ 'type' ] == 'horizontal' ){ $change_offset = ( $g[ 'hl_position' ] == 'wbottom' ) ? 'bottom' : 'top'; $utext = $dmap[ 'horizontal' ]; }else{ $change_offset = ( $g[ 'vl_position' ] == 'wleft' ) ? 'left' : ( $g[ 'vl_position' ] == 'scontent' ) ? 'margin-left': 'right'; $utext = $dmap[ 'vertical' ]; } echo '</head>'; echo '<body>' . $gen_out[ 'html' ]; echo ' <div id="main_content"></div> <div class="adjust_bar"> <h3>' . __( 'Preview and Settings', 'wpsr' ) . '</h3> <h4>' . __( 'Adjust sharebar position from window', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4> <p>' . sprintf( __( 'Drag the slider below to adjust the sharebar position %s or %s', 'wpsr' ), $utext[ 'tdec' ], $utext[ 'tinc' ] ) . '</p> <div class="adj_btn_wrap"><input type="range" class="offset_drag" min="-500" max="500" step="1" width="100%" value="' . intval( $g[ 'offset' ] ) . '" data-coffset="' . $change_offset . '"/><input type="text" class="offset_val" value="' . intval( $g[ 'offset' ] ) . 'px" /></div> <div class="adj_footer"><button class="save_btn">' . __( 'Save and close', 'wpsr' ) . '</button> <button class="close_btn">' . __( 'Close without saving', 'wpsr' ) . '</button></div> </div>'; WPSR_Includes::preview_print_includes(); echo '</body></html>'; die(0); } } class WPSR_Template_Followbar{ public static function init(){ add_action( 'wp_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'output' ) ); } public static function output(){ $fb_settings = get_option( 'wpsr_followbar_settings' ); $loc_rules_answer = WPSR_Location_Rules::check_rule( $fb_settings[ 'loc_rules' ] ); if( $fb_settings[ 'ft_status' ] != 'disable' && $loc_rules_answer ){ $gen_html = self::html( $fb_settings ); echo $gen_html; do_action( 'wpsr_do_followbar_print_template_end' ); } } public static function html( $opts, $floating = True ){ $opts = wp_parse_args( $opts, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'followbar' ) ); $template = $opts[ 'template' ]; $decoded = base64_decode( $template ); $btns = json_decode( $decoded ); $sb_sites = WPSR_Lists::social_buttons(); $html = ''; if( !is_array( $btns ) ){ return ''; } $styles = array(); if ( $opts[ 'bg_color' ] != '' ) array_push( $styles, 'background-color: ' . $opts[ 'bg_color' ] . ';border-color: ' . $opts[ 'bg_color' ] ); if ( $opts[ 'icon_color' ] != '' ) array_push( $styles, 'color: ' . $opts[ 'icon_color' ] ); $style = join( ';', $styles ); $text_class = ( $opts[ 'text' ] != 'hide' ) ? 'sr-text-' . $opts[ 'text' ] : ''; foreach( $btns as $btn_obj ){ $id = key( (array) $btn_obj ); $prop = $sb_sites[ $id ]; $cicon = ''; if ( $btn_obj->$id->icon != '' ){ $cicon = 'sr-cicon'; $style = ''; } $iclasses = array( 'sr-' . $id, $text_class, $cicon ); $onclick = array_key_exists( 'onclick', $prop ) ? 'onclick="' . esc_attr( $prop[ 'onclick' ] ) . '"' : ''; $html .= '<span class="' . esc_attr( join( ' ', $iclasses ) ) . '">'; $html .= '<a rel="nofollow" href="' . esc_attr( $btn_obj->$id->url ) . '" target="_blank" title="' . esc_attr( $prop[ 'name' ] ) . '" style="' . esc_attr( $style ) . '" ' . $onclick . '>'; if( $btn_obj->$id->icon == '' ){ $html .= '<i class="fa fa-' . esc_attr( $prop[ 'icon' ] ) . '"></i>'; }else{ $html .= '<img src="' . esc_attr( $btn_obj->$id->icon ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( $prop[ 'name' ] ) . '" />'; } $html .= '</a>'; if( $text_class != '' ){ $html .= '<span class="text">' . ( ( $btn_obj->$id->text == '' ) ? $prop[ 'name' ] : $btn_obj->$id->text ) . '</span>'; } $html .= '</span>'; } $classes = array( 'socializer', 'sr-followbar', 'sr-' . $opts[ 'size' ] ); if( $opts[ 'shape' ] != '' ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-' . $opts[ 'shape' ] ); if( $opts[ 'hover' ] != '' ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-' . $opts[ 'hover' ] ); if( $opts[ 'pad' ] != '' ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-' . $opts[ 'pad' ] ); if( $opts[ 'orientation' ] == 'vertical' ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-vertical' ); if( $opts[ 'open_popup' ] == '' ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-popup' ); if( !$floating ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-multiline' ); $classes = join( ' ', $classes ); $html = '<div class="' . $classes . '">' . $html . '</div>'; if( $floating ){ $title = ( $opts[ 'title' ] != '' ) ? '<div class="sr-fb-title">' . $opts[ 'title' ] . '</div>' : ''; $orientation = ( $opts[ 'orientation' ] == 'horizontal' ) ? 'sr-fb-hl' : 'sr-fb-vl'; $fb_classes = array( 'wpsr-followbar', 'sr-fb-' . $opts[ 'position' ], $orientation ); $html = '<div class="' . esc_attr( join( ' ', $fb_classes ) ) . '">' . $title . $html . '</div>'; } if( !$floating && isset( $opts[ 'profile_text' ] ) && trim( $opts[ 'profile_text' ] ) != '' ){ $html = '<p>' . $opts[ 'profile_text' ] . '</p>' . $html; } return $html; } } class WPSR_Template_Text_Sharebar{ public static function init(){ add_action( 'wp_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'output' ) ); } public static function output(){ $tsb_settings = get_option( 'wpsr_text_sharebar_settings' ); $loc_rules_answer = WPSR_Location_Rules::check_rule( $tsb_settings[ 'loc_rules' ] ); if( $tsb_settings[ 'ft_status' ] != 'disable' && $loc_rules_answer && !wp_is_mobile() ){ $gen_html = self::html( $tsb_settings ); echo $gen_html; do_action( 'wpsr_do_text_sharebar_print_template_end' ); } } public static function html( $opts ){ $opts = wp_parse_args( $opts, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'text_sharebar' ) ); $template = $opts[ 'template' ]; $decoded = base64_decode( $template ); $btns = json_decode( $decoded ); $sb_sites = WPSR_Lists::social_buttons(); $page_info = WPSR_Metadata::metadata(); $html = ''; $g_settings = get_option( 'wpsr_general_settings' ); $g_settings = wp_parse_args( $g_settings, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'gsettings_twitter' ) ); $t_username = ( $g_settings[ 'twitter_username' ] != '' ) ? '@' . $g_settings[ 'twitter_username' ] : ''; if( !is_array( $btns ) ){ return ''; } foreach( $btns as $btn ){ $sb_info = $sb_sites[ $btn ]; $link = array_key_exists( 'link_tsb', $sb_info ) ? $sb_info[ 'link_tsb' ] : $sb_info[ 'link' ]; $onclick = array_key_exists( 'onclick', $sb_info ) ? 'onclick="' . esc_attr( $sb_info[ 'onclick' ] ) . '"' : ''; $html .= '<li><a href="#" title="' . esc_attr( $sb_info[ 'title' ] ) . '" data-link="' . esc_attr( $link ) . '" style="color: ' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'icon_color' ] ) . '" ' . $onclick . '><i class="fa fa-' . esc_attr( $sb_info[ 'icon' ] ) . '"></i></a></li>'; } $html = '<ul class="wpsr-text-sb wpsr-tsb-' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'size' ] ) . ' wpsr-clearfix" data-content="' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'content' ] ) . '" data-tcount="' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'text_count' ] ) . '" style="background-color: ' . esc_attr( $opts[ 'bg_color' ] ) . '" data-url="' . esc_attr( $page_info[ 'url' ] ) . '" data-title="' . esc_attr( $page_info[ 'title' ] ) . '" data-surl="' . esc_attr( $page_info[ 'short_url' ] ) . '" data-tuname="' . esc_attr( $t_username ) . '">' . $html . '</ul>'; return $html; } } class WPSR_Template_Mobile_Sharebar{ public static function init(){ add_action( 'wp_footer', array( __CLASS__, 'output' ) ); } public static function output(){ $msb_settings = get_option( 'wpsr_mobile_sharebar_settings' ); $loc_rules_answer = WPSR_Location_Rules::check_rule( $msb_settings[ 'loc_rules' ] ); if( $msb_settings[ 'ft_status' ] != 'disable' && $loc_rules_answer && ( wp_is_mobile() || $msb_settings[ 'on_desktop' ] == 'yes' ) ){ $gen_html = self::html( $msb_settings ); echo $gen_html; do_action( 'wpsr_do_mobile_sharebar_print_template_end' ); } } public static function html( $opts ){ $opts = wp_parse_args( $opts, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'mobile_sharebar' ) ); $template = $opts[ 'template' ]; $decoded = base64_decode( $template ); $btns = json_decode( $decoded ); $sb_sites = WPSR_Lists::social_buttons(); $page_info = WPSR_Metadata::metadata(); $html = ''; if( !is_array( $btns ) ){ return ''; } $styles = array(); if ( $opts[ 'bg_color' ] != '' ) array_push( $styles, 'background-color: ' . $opts[ 'bg_color' ] ); if ( $opts[ 'icon_color' ] != '' ) array_push( $styles, 'color: ' . $opts[ 'icon_color' ] ); $style = join( ';', $styles ); foreach( $btns as $btn ){ $sb_info = $sb_sites[ $btn ]; $link = self::get_url( $sb_info[ 'link' ], $page_info ); $onclick = array_key_exists( 'onclick', $sb_info ) ? 'onclick="' . esc_attr( $sb_info[ 'onclick' ] ) . '"' : ''; $html .= '<span class="sr-' . $btn . '"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="' . esc_attr( $link ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( $sb_info[ 'title' ] ) . '" style="' . $style . '" ' . $onclick . '><i class="fa fa-' . esc_attr( $sb_info[ 'icon' ] ) . '" tar></i></a></span>'; } $classes = array( 'socializer', 'wpsr-mobile-sb', 'sr-' . $opts[ 'size' ], 'sr-fluid', 'sr-opacity', 'sr-popup' ); if( $opts[ 'pad' ] != '' ) array_push( $classes, 'sr-' . $opts[ 'pad' ] ); $classes = join( ' ', $classes ); $html = '<div class="' . $classes . '">' . $html . '</div>'; return $html; } public static function get_url( $url, $pinfo ){ $g_settings = get_option( 'wpsr_general_settings' ); $g_settings = wp_parse_args( $g_settings, WPSR_Lists::defaults( 'gsettings_twitter' ) ); $t_username = ( $g_settings[ 'twitter_username' ] != '' ) ? '@' . $g_settings[ 'twitter_username' ] : ''; $search = array( '{url}', '{title}', '{excerpt}', '{s-url}', '{rss-url}', '{twitter-username}', ); $replace = array( $pinfo[ 'url' ], $pinfo[ 'title' ], $pinfo[ 'excerpt' ], $pinfo[ 'short_url' ], $pinfo[ 'rss_url' ], $t_username ); return str_replace( $search, $replace, $url ); } } WPSR_Template_Buttons::init(); WPSR_Template_Sharebar::init(); WPSR_Template_Followbar::init(); WPSR_Template_Text_Sharebar::init(); WPSR_Template_Mobile_Sharebar::init(); class wpsr_template_button_handler{ private $props; private $type; function __construct( $properties, $type ){ $this->props = $properties; $this->type = $type; } function print_template( $content ){ $call_from_excerpt = 0; $call_stack = debug_backtrace(); foreach( $call_stack as $call ){ if( $call['function'] == 'the_excerpt' || $call['function'] == 'get_the_excerpt' ){ $call_from_excerpt = 1; } } $loc_rules_answer = WPSR_Location_Rules::check_rule( $this->props[ 'loc_rules' ] ); $rule_in_excerpt = ( $this->props[ 'in_excerpt' ] == 'show' ); $output = $content; if( $loc_rules_answer ){ if( ( $this->type == 'content' && $call_from_excerpt != 1 ) || ( $this->type == 'excerpt' && $rule_in_excerpt == 1 ) ){ $gen_out = WPSR_Template_Buttons::html( $this->props[ 'content' ] ); if( !empty( $gen_out[ 'html' ] ) ){ $final_template = $gen_out[ 'html' ]; if( $this->props[ 'position' ] == 'above_below_posts' ) $output = $final_template . $content . $final_template; if( $this->props[ 'position' ] == 'above_posts' ) $output = $final_template . $content; if( $this->props[ 'position' ] == 'below_posts' ) $output = $content . $final_template; } } do_action( 'wpsr_do_buttons_print_template_end' ); } return $output; } } ?>