Edit File: widgets.php
<?php /** * Widget class for WP Socializer * */ class WPSR_Widgets{ private static $widgets = array(); public static function init(){ add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( __class__, 'print_widget_scripts' ) ); } public static function register( $id, $details ){ $defaults = array( 'name' => '', 'callbacks' => array( 'widget' => '', 'form' => '', 'update' => '' ) ); $details[ 'callbacks' ] = wp_parse_args( $details[ 'callbacks' ], $defaults[ 'callbacks' ] ); $details = wp_parse_args( $details, $defaults ); self::$widgets[ $id ] = $details; } public static function widget( $id, $args, $instance ){ if( !self::check_callable( $id, 'widget' ) ){ return ''; } return call_user_func( self::$widgets[ $id ][ 'callbacks' ][ 'widget' ], $args, $instance ); } public static function form( $id, $widget_obj, $instance ){ if( !self::check_callable( $id, 'form' ) ){ return ''; } call_user_func( self::$widgets[ $id ][ 'callbacks' ][ 'form' ], $widget_obj, $instance ); } public static function update( $id, $instance ){ if( !self::check_callable( $id, 'update' ) ){ return $instance; } return call_user_func( self::$widgets[ $id ][ 'callbacks' ][ 'update' ], $instance ); } public static function check_callable( $id, $callback ){ $widgets = self::$widgets; if( array_key_exists( $id, $widgets ) ){ $widget = $widgets[ $id ]; if( array_key_exists( $callback, $widget[ 'callbacks' ] ) && !empty( $widget[ 'callbacks' ][ $callback ] ) && is_callable( $widget[ 'callbacks' ][ $callback ] ) ){ return 1; } } return 0; } public static function list_all(){ $widgets_temp = self::$widgets; foreach( $widgets_temp as $id => $config ){ unset( $widgets_temp[ $id ][ 'callbacks' ] ); } return apply_filters( 'wpsr_mod_widgets_list', $widgets_temp ); } public static function print_widget_scripts( $hook ){ if( $hook == 'widgets.php' ){ echo '<script>window.wpsr_ppe_ajax = "' . esc_attr( get_admin_url() . 'admin-ajax.php' ) . '"; </script>'; wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsr_admin_widget_css', WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'css/style_widgets.css' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wpsr_admin_widget_js', WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'js/script_widgets.js', array( 'jquery' ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wp-color-picker' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsr_fa', WPSR_Lists::ext_res( 'font-awesome' ) ); wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsr_ipopup', WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'css/ipopup.css' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wpsr_ipopup', WPSR_ADMIN_URL . 'js/ipopup.js' ); } } } WPSR_Widgets::init(); /** * Widget form API */ class WPSR_Widget_Form_Fields{ function __construct( $widget_obj, $instance ){ $this->obj = $widget_obj; $this->instance = $instance; } function text( $id, $name, $opts = array() ){ $opts = wp_parse_args( $opts, array( 'class' => 'widefat', 'helper' => '', 'placeholder' => '', 'custom' => '' )); echo '<p>'; echo '<label for="' . esc_attr( $this->obj->get_field_id( $id ) ) . '">' . $name . '</label>'; echo WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => $this->obj->get_field_name( $id ), 'id' => $this->obj->get_field_id( $id ), 'value' => $this->instance[ $id ], 'class' => $opts[ 'class' ], 'helper' => $opts[ 'helper' ], 'placeholder' => $opts[ 'placeholder' ], 'custom' => $opts[ 'custom' ] )); echo '</p>'; } function select( $id, $name, $list, $opts = array() ){ $opts = wp_parse_args( $opts, array( 'class' => 'widefat', 'helper' => '', 'placeholder' => '', 'custom' => '' )); echo '<p>'; echo '<label for="' . esc_attr( $this->obj->get_field_id( $id ) ) . '">' . $name . '</label>'; echo WPSR_Admin::field( 'select', array( 'name' => $this->obj->get_field_name( $id ), 'id' => $this->obj->get_field_id( $id ), 'value' => $this->instance[ $id ], 'list' => $list, 'class' => $opts[ 'class' ], 'helper' => $opts[ 'helper' ], 'placeholder' => $opts[ 'placeholder' ], 'custom' => $opts[ 'custom' ] )); echo '</p>'; } function number( $id, $name, $opts = array() ){ $opts = wp_parse_args( $opts, array( 'class' => 'smallfat', 'helper' => '', 'placeholder' => '', 'custom' => '' )); echo '<p>'; echo '<label for="' . esc_attr( $this->obj->get_field_id( $id ) ) . '">' . $name . '</label>'; echo WPSR_Admin::field( 'text', array( 'name' => $this->obj->get_field_name( $id ), 'id' => $this->obj->get_field_id( $id ), 'value' => $this->instance[ $id ], 'class' => $opts[ 'class' ], 'helper' => $opts[ 'helper' ], 'placeholder' => $opts[ 'placeholder' ], 'type' => 'number', 'custom' => $opts[ 'custom' ] )); echo '</p>'; } } /** * Main WP Socializer widget * */ class WPSR_Main_Widget extends WP_Widget{ function __construct(){ parent::__construct( 'wpsr_main_widget', 'WP Socializer', array( 'description' => esc_html__( 'Use this widget to add follow me icons, social media buttons and more to your widget', 'wpsr' ), ), array('width' => 500, 'height' => 500) ); } public function widget( $args, $instance ){ echo $args[ 'before_widget' ]; if ( !empty( $instance[ 'title' ] ) ) { echo $args[ 'before_title' ] . apply_filters( 'widget_title', $instance[ 'title' ] ) . $args[ 'after_title' ]; } $widgets = WPSR_Widgets::list_all(); $selected_widget = $instance[ 'widget' ]; if( array_key_exists( $selected_widget, $widgets ) ){ WPSR_Widgets::widget( $selected_widget, $args, $instance ); } echo $args['after_widget']; } public function form( $instance ){ $widgets = WPSR_Widgets::list_all(); $instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, array( 'title' => '', 'widget' => '' )); $selected_widget = $instance[ 'widget' ]; $fields = new WPSR_Widget_Form_Fields( $this, $instance ); $widgets_list = array( '' => 'Select a widget to display' ); foreach( $widgets as $w_id => $w_info ){ $widgets_list[ $w_id ] = $w_info[ 'name' ]; } $fields->text( 'title', 'Title' ); $fields->select( 'widget', 'Widget', $widgets_list, array( 'class' => 'widefat wpsr_widget_selector' ) ); if( array_key_exists( $selected_widget, $widgets ) ){ echo '<div class="wpsr_widget_wrap">'; WPSR_Widgets::form( $selected_widget, $this, $instance ); echo '</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="notice notice-warning inline"><p>' . __( 'Please select a widget and click "Save" to load settings', 'wpsr' ) . '</p></div>'; } } public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ){ $widgets = WPSR_Widgets::list_all(); $selected_widget = $new_instance[ 'widget' ]; if( array_key_exists( $selected_widget, $widgets ) ){ return WPSR_Widgets::update( $selected_widget, $new_instance ); }else{ return $new_instance; } } } function wpsr_register_main_widget(){ register_widget( 'WPSR_Main_Widget' ); } add_action( 'widgets_init', 'wpsr_register_main_widget' ); /** * All social media buttons widget */ class wpsr_widget_buttons{ function __construct(){ WPSR_Widgets::register( 'buttons_widget', array( 'name' => 'All social media buttons widget', 'callbacks' => array( 'widget' => array( $this, 'widget' ), 'form' => array( $this, 'form' ), 'update' => array( $this, 'update' ) ) )); $this->defaults = array( 'buttons_template' => '' ); // Custom widget template widget add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpsr_widget_buttons', array( $this, 'buttons_editor' ) ); } function buttons_editor(){ global $hook_suffix; $hook_suffix = WPSR_Admin::$pagehook; set_current_screen( $hook_suffix ); iframe_header( 'WP Socializer Widget template editor' ); if( !isset( $_GET[ 'template' ] ) || !isset( $_GET[ 'cnt_id' ] ) || !isset( $_GET[ 'prev_id' ] ) ){ echo '<p align="center">Incomplete info to load editor !</p></body></html>'; die( 0 ); } $feature = array( 'name' => 'widgets', 'hide_services' => array() ); echo '<div id="wpsr_pp_editor">'; echo '<h3>WP Socializer - widget template editor</h3>'; WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Create buttons', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Select a service from the list to create a new button', 'wpsr' ), '1' ); WPSR_Admin::buttons_selector( $feature ); echo '<p>' . __( 'List of buttons created.', 'wpsr' ) . '</p>'; $buttons = WPSR_Buttons::list_all(); WPSR_Admin::buttons_list( 'all_buttons', $feature ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'open', __( 'Drag & drop buttons into template', 'wpsr' ), __( 'Drag the buttons from the above list and drop it into the template below. Click "+" to add a new row. Click and drag row to rearrange its order.', 'wpsr' ), '2' ); WPSR_Admin::buttons_veditor( 'widget_buttons_template', esc_attr( $_GET[ 'template' ] ), true, 'wpsr_preview_template_buttons' ); WPSR_Admin::box_wrap( 'close' ); echo '<p class="wpsr_ppe_footer" align="center"><button class="button button-primary wpsr_ppe_save" data-mode="widget" data-cnt-id="' . esc_attr( $_GET[ 'cnt_id' ] ) . '" data-prev-id="' . esc_attr( $_GET[ 'prev_id' ] ) . '">Apply settings</button> <button class="button wpsr_ppe_cancel">Cancel</button></p>'; echo '</div>'; iframe_footer(); die( 0 ); } function widget( $args, $instance ){ $instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, $this->defaults ); $out = WPSR_Template_Buttons::html( $instance[ 'buttons_template' ] ); echo $out[ 'html' ]; } function form( $obj, $instance ){ echo '<h4>' . __( 'Social media buttons widget', 'wpsr' ) . '</h4>'; $instance = wp_parse_args( $instance, $this->defaults ); $fields = new WPSR_Widget_Form_Fields( $obj, $instance ); $wtmpl_val = esc_attr( $instance[ 'buttons_template' ] ); $wtmpl_cnt_id = $obj->get_field_id( 'buttons_template' ); $wtmpl_prev_id = $obj->get_field_id( 'wtmpl_prev' ); echo '<div class="hidden">'; $fields->text( 'buttons_template', '' ); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="wpsr_wtmpl_wrap clearfix" id="' . $wtmpl_prev_id . '">'; if( $wtmpl_val != '' ){ WPSR_Admin::buttons_veditor( 'widget_buttons_template', $wtmpl_val, true, 'wpsr_wtmpl_dummy' ); }else{ echo '<p align="center">' . __( 'No buttons are added to template. Open the editor to add buttons', 'wpsr' ) . '</p>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<br/>'; echo '<p align="center"><button class="button button-primary wpsr_ppe_widget_open" data-wtmpl-cnt-id="' . $wtmpl_cnt_id . '" data-wtmpl-prev-id="' . $wtmpl_prev_id . '">' . __( 'Open editor', 'wpsr' ) . '</button></p>'; } function update( $instance ){ return $instance; } } new wpsr_widget_buttons(); ?>